Waterfalls 3

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Rates: 258 Waterfalls 3

Played: 81043
Tags: Balance EXE Flash Games Logical Puzzle

Description: Waterfalls game is back again. As previously you need to control coloured streams and guide them to corresponding containers. Use Mouse to drag and drop some control objects to change direction of the flow.

Run from the Sun Subtle Energy Waterfalls 3 lvl pack Sticky Blobs
Sugar Sugar the Christmas Special Inferno Drawn together Soak It Huje Way
Attractor Gentlemen Rats in Outer Space Music Catch 2 Armed to the Teeth
The Tickler Waterfalls 2 Water Werks Symphony
Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar 2 Orbits Pour The Fish




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Wake Up The Box part 2 - Our boxes are sleeping again. And your task once again is to play the role of that bad guy who is going to wake them up. Place objects on the screen using your mouse to make that happen. You can attach wood parts to wood objects. Use Space to restart the level. Wake Up The Box part 2
  • Current rating 2.75/5

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