Texas Hold 'em Poker: Heads Up
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Desk Games
Description: In this Great Texas Poker game You play One on One against Artificial Intelligence, also known as Computer! Choose difficulty level and become the greatest Poker Player. Rules stays the same, make card combination having Your two cards and 5 on common desk. Place Your bets, check, call, raise or fold. |
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The raise preflop sluhod be three times the big blind. Also you sluhod tell us who else was calling. A raise to $400 sluhod trigger an all in by YOU, unless youthink he has pocket 10s or something. You want to go all in as early as possible so the odds are in your favor.Nonetheless, I think your opponent sucks if he calls pre flop with two lowly clubs and only raises you $1000 more. He sluhod have gone all in to put the pressure on you. You sluhod play more with him. haha. The odds will be in yo
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