Governor of Poker

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Rates: 4089 Governor of poker

Played: 1074810
Tags: Cards Casino Desk Games EXE Flash Gambling Games Money Poker Recommended Strategies Tactics

Description: Get a Hold of Texas! Battle your way in poker tournaments or cash games and win all the cash or property! Buy houses, and means of transport to get you everywhere in Texas. In Governor of Poker you can make it, and you can make it BIG! At the end you only have to wonder - Do I have all I wanted. Or is there one more poker game I must win? Game is very addicting. First of all, all players have two cards. Dealer will show some cards (3 - 5). Look what You can make together with dealer cards and make Your bet. Good luck :)

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  • lt gita123 @ 2014-01-19 17:02:03

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  • ua Tookchome @ 2013-12-16 22:43:40

    It Monument had been assembled on the Storage in Jesse Program, some sort of determined Religious, an important daring Gift, in addition to It had been some of those old-fashioned Old parish church buildings that happen to be repeated through He uk, the foremost cleanly, reasonable, and also reverential locations in praise which have been, certainly, somewhere found inside the Religious society. Still, in spite of a first rate solemnity regarding it has the outer walls, Jeanie was initially at

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  • cn VO2y9u40as @ 2013-09-19 21:09:33

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  • cn koveqgnn5412 @ 2013-09-07 13:40:23

    stesso klaus barbie, il macellaio di lione, estradato in francia dalla bolivia, cambiando politica in 1983.but quando margaret thatcher ha insistito per spingere attraverso i crimini di guerra del 1991 per la cattura di un pesce piccolo paio di prove vecchi e fragili rimasi sbigottito - come è stata la generazione in tempo di guerra nella camera dei lord che conoscevano le nostre mani non erano lily-white e temeva che ammontava a legislazione retroattiva. questa settimana è mercanteggiare pagame

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  • cn ko5o9s33nv @ 2013-09-05 16:58:28

    ag, 29. juni werden wir schlieen werden die folgenden bibliotheken als teil der 100 millionen pfund wir gezwungen gewesen, bis zum jahr 2016 zu retten.newcastle city pool hat bereits für die ffentlichkeit geschlossen und ist nur lauftreff trainingseinheiten für ein paar letzten wochen, vor dem herunterfahren endgültig am ende juli. die aufsicht über eine der letzten trainingseinheiten am pool, die drei olympioniken hervorgebracht hat, stadt newcastle schwimmverein cheftrainer, louise graham, hat

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  • cn oj7l0q21oh @ 2013-09-04 13:59:25

    hey were forced to work up to 17 hours a shift, bussed to farms the length of the country to catch hens through the night, sleeping for days at a time only in vans, and in some weeks not paid at all. Their merciless enforcers Lithuanians, allegedly.Until the 2011 census figures were released in December, no one had any idea how many Lithuanians had put down roots in Britain. It had never been a particularly hot topic. When the EU welcomed eight new countries in 2004, it was the Poles who stole t

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  • cn zd9s5f00qc @ 2013-09-04 12:25:35

    higher than everyone else on the ATP World Tour, and the highest he has achieved in a year.91 The percentage of service games Federer won in 2012, the second-highest of his career after 2004.78 The percentage of 1st serve points won, the joint second-highest of his career after 2009 and 2011 (which were both 79%).71 The number of matches he won in 2012, the highest since 2006.12 The number of matches he lost in 2012, the joint-fewest since 2007.42 The percentage of break points he converted. He

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  • cn af0g8y35ms @ 2013-09-04 05:13:38

    uf das sparprogramm. praktisch alle banken bankrott sind, und es hat eine sehr groe umverteilung des reichtums zugunsten der ist jetzt zu spt zu sagen, dass griechenland sollte niemals wurde als gründungsmitglied des euro zugelassen, obwohl es die in brüssel, frankfurt und berlin, die den tag bereuen, sind, wenn die europische solidaritt wurde als wichtiger als wirtschaftliche gemeinsame sense.there es viele kulturelle bezugspunkte für das, was in die geburtsstadt von passiert demokra

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  • cn do4k4u15cd @ 2013-09-04 02:44:11

    et buchmacher. dieses ungenau stück forschung diskreditiert ihren platz in dieser debatte. die regierung erklrte, sie prüfe fester ungerade wett-terminals und würde zu dem engeren ausschuss innerhalb von wochenzu reagieren. eine abteilung für kultur, medien und sport-sprecher sagte: wir werden eine überprüfung der beweise um wetten mit festen quoten terminals und problem-spieler verpflichten eine ankündigung über den umfang und den zeitpunkt der überprüfung wird zu gegebener zeit erfolgen.. dies

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  • cn PQ6i6x88al @ 2013-09-03 07:56:21

    , jag bara sga att om det finns ngot hopp fr detta land, r det dr det alltid var -. ej med skojare och idioter i politiken, men i offentliga utrymmen av kultur -., och, naturligtvis, musik framfr allt musik som var vad war child insg, efter en titt det var vr enda chans d, och det r fortfarande det var mrkligt att tervnda till mostar, frra mnaden,... fr frsta gngen sedan den sista dagen i bosnienkroater belgringen i 1994. jag har varit tillbaka till sarajevo mnga gnger, men aldrig mostar. flera

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  • cn stroyion6040 @ 2013-09-02 01:32:45

    our childhood holidays were objectively delightful, they exert a huge imaginative pull, taking us back to a vivid time when six weeks (orindeed a fortnight on Eigg) felt like an eternity. For me, it is those Dales landscapes: the wildness, the moments when a shaft of sunlight pierces the cloud cover and turns the fields, criss-crossed with dry stone walls, brilliantly, supernaturally green.I talk to my father, slightly sheepish, about my conversion. He is gracious and does not mock, which is mor

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  • cn rn8r3u19te @ 2013-08-31 03:25:02

    ou are seeing emerging global feminist leaders fighting for economic rights in western Africa, for instance, to end genital mutilation in Mali, to publish blogs in Cairo, to bring traffickers to justice in Bosnia, and so on. Most instructive is the image scarved and bareheaded, religious and secular young women fighting hard for Enlightenment freedom and Enlightenment feminism in Muslim countries 锟紺 without feeling that the headscarf or religious affiliation divides them. Indeed, feminists in In

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  • us Soybeabocasia @ 2013-08-30 16:33:38

    Eric Weinrich, who last wore 8 for your Vancouver Canucks, was a good, solid NHL defenseman whom was tough, scored key goals, and was a very good leader on and heli-copter flight ice. He has a good eye within the ice (maybe the belief that he wored a yellowtinted visor had something to do with it), as he not only knew where his unique players were, he had a keen understanding where the opposing gamers were, too. The Blues, who toward the end from the 20032004 season, were desperate for the playe

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  • cn mydngtfe0734 @ 2013-08-30 00:19:13

    e sono, il più probabile è che alcuni di loro saranno colpiti dal maltempo. ma fattore nella tendenza moderna per le estati britanniche per essere umido, grigio e spesso ventoso, e qualcosa sembra essere in corso di realizzazione. può essere gioco difficile in pioggia pesante, soprattutto se si tratta di quella pioggia di lato e il palco è scivoloso, dice di blur alex james, un sopravvissuto del 1998 di glastonbury, dove il fango era sopra le cime degli stivali di gomma. e aggiunge: il fatto è c

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  • ru anabolic discount @ 2013-08-29 16:33:32

    Mi primer ciclo de esteroides y preocupado por lo que estoy tomando .

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  • cn pcamyupo2590 @ 2013-08-29 01:19:04

    gegeben, es ist schwer zu wissen, warum hamza will, britisch zu sein. in interviews hat er gefragt, wo in einer bsen welt, die er glück finden knnte. die behrden in seinem heimatland gypten würde wahrscheinlich verhaften ihn, ob er zurück, und weder gypten noch irgendeine andere muslimische land trifft seine hohen standards. afghanistan, wo er sagt, dass er verloren linken hand und auge im kampf gegen die sowjetunion, sah vielversprechend aus. aber der sturz der taliban entfernt die eine islamis

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  • cn aytceurj5064 @ 2013-08-28 23:25:31

    e auswahl von fast 300 fotografien aus dem archiv, die meisten aus den 1950er und frühen 1960er jahren. sie prsentieren eine unheimliche logische folge der amerikaner von robert frank gesehen. hier suchen die menschen frhlich, kommunale, aufrecht, stolz, aber sie sehen auch wie ausgeschnittenen figuren in einem karton landschaft. als keaton schreibt, wenn sie zum ersten mal sah durch das archiv, alles sah gewhnlichen, vielleicht zu gewhnlichen, eher seltsam, oder lustig, aber nicht wirklich lust

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  • ua Inhiviowsnene @ 2013-08-28 04:40:11

    Diesel powered asthma is also a adverse reaction commonly connected with obstructive chest disease. Similar to allergic reactions, diesel powered bronchial asthma is often mistakenly recognized. Victims regarding diesel powered bronchial asthma recognize that as soon as encountered with diesel engine deplete you will find a unexpected lack of breathing or perhaps quick on-set hypersensitivity to help diesel-engined tire out, both of which will occur without warning. After diesel wear publicity p

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  • cn ld6y2t37ih @ 2013-08-24 11:46:44

    r aufgegeben werden.eine schreckliche link wurde in den kpfen vieler menschen gemacht: dass es eine schande war, die gefangen genommen wurden. es war ein gefühl, das auf lange nach dem krieg lebte. es wurde auch am deutlichsten von den mnnern selbst fühlten, wenn sie befreit wurden. es war der grund, warum viele nicht über ihre erfahrungen sprechen würde. ihre geschichten wurden aus der geschichte airbrush, es sei denn, sie gewesen war eines der kleinen gruppe von flüchtigen. aber die realitt vo

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  • cn xx7f8b18ta @ 2013-08-24 09:47:23

    ht ohne triftigen grund verweigern zustimmung für eine verbesserung im zusammenhang mit behinderungen, um bestimmte typen von mietwohnungen - eine vernderung, die machen es einfacher für menschen mit behinderungen zu unterkunft mieten sollte, und für mieter zu behinderungen verbundenen anpassungen vorzunehmen. weitere nderungen betreffen die 2006 auf den verkehr - die fast 50% der behinderten menschen zu beschreiben, wie ihre wichtigsten lokalen anliegen. zlle auf akademische qualifikation gremi

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  • cn oh9i1f98gl @ 2013-08-24 06:07:52

    rten und ziele mit £ 276;. airline und dem netzwerk mit einem kolossalen 493 £ natürlich werden diese seiten anders verhalten für andere tage also immer doppelte kontrolle hotelsmost der groen online-reisebüros in grobritannien bieten sehr günstige angebote.. auf hotels. aber sie knnten in der lage sein, noch mehr geld, indem sie ihre tickets auf us-websites zu speichern. bei einer solch starken wechselkurs, wenn man in dollar zahlen, sind sie wahrscheinlich zu sparen sich eine menge von pfund.

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  • cn DS7i1e61ma @ 2013-08-22 21:14:38

    og udsat den for videnskabelig analyse, blev det opdaget, at et lag af kobolt bl maling - typisk for at overleve holbein portrtter - var blevet anvendt over den oprindelige brune i baggrunden. yderligere undersgelse viste, at stilen i sitter hovedbekldning var blevet omhyggeligt ndret fra en cylindrisk fez-lignende hat p en pn htte, igen mere som hatten, der kan bres af sitter i en gte holbein. det fremgr i dette tilflde, at det oprindelige arbejde var blevet ndret for en 18. rhundrede kber p et

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  • cn IM2y3u04fp @ 2013-08-22 08:28:15

    sonrasnda zarfnda ok nce, david cameron ve koalisyon schumacher fikirleri bakmak balamt. 2005 ylnda, cameron toprak dernei, sürdürülebilir tarmn nemi üzerinde alternatif tarm iin en nemli bask grubu ele. patrick holden, sürdürülebilir gda güven müdürü, diyor ki: .. cameron alr gda ve su 21. yüzyln büyük seim sorunlar olacakrohan silva, babakan üst düzey politika danman, schumacher 20. bir gelenei yerletirir yüzyl anti-ütopik karl popper ve isaiah berlin tarafndan temsil düündüm. downing street s

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  • cn YS7x2i74gu @ 2013-08-21 05:36:47

    rganisaties) kc singh actiepunten die zijn voortgekomen uit de 19 april vs en india terrorismebestrijding joint working group (ctjwg) bijeenkomst in washington en latere ct-gerelateerde gesprekken (refs a en b). de dialoog baande de weg voor verdere besprekingen over samenwerking bioterrorisme, de operationalisering van terrorismebestrijding aan financin, beveiliging van de luchtvaart, het verbeteren van usg levering van de ct-opleiding (en een indiase aanbod om ct-opleiding aan usg personeel),

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  • cn tujqgjfc4992 @ 2013-08-20 10:47:01 der stadt sein, eine deutlich subcontinental gefühl, dass die alten witz erinnert über den vereinigten arabischen emiraten: . emirates steht für englisch-managed, indian-run, punkt araber enorme gehlterin den guten jahren, gegossen in der cash, überlaufen aus den lreichen staaten des nahen ostens, wie sky-high l preise und starke globale wachstum geschaffen fallobst für viele seiner gulf nachbarn und von der rasenden deal-making in der internationalen finanz-mrkte gering ausma der

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  • cn joedyhzh0924 @ 2013-08-20 02:52:59

    ado con el resto de la ciudad mejor que nadie había previsto. adolescentes de malm? se apresuraron a abandonar la playa local y adoptar el paseo marítimo de bo01 tan cool lugar de encuentro de la ciudad, y como el resto del paseo marítimo de puerto occidental se ha ajardinado, el público ha comenzado a derramarse de la ciudad vieja a la nueva, en tropel. bo01 es ahora el lugar residentes malm? mostrar a sus todo demasiado bueno para ser verdad? un poco. una cosa que no es tan diversa

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  • cn jt1n1v27ua @ 2013-08-17 03:21:52

    of verbatim drama; alongside these he has run day-long investigations 锟紺 of women in politics and Afghanistan 锟紺 in which playwrights are allowed a more or less free rein with historical events.It is into this category that The Bomb falls. Interspersed with snatches of verbatim material, set against an effectively simple series of panels designed by Polly Sullivan 锟紺 which turns boardroom into bedroom and serves as screens for footage of missiles whooshing into the air, Stalin grinning, solitary

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  • cn SB7u4g86qa @ 2013-08-14 23:42:26

    twin peaks sulla sedia a rotelle) ha una voce, un ritmo, un timbro e una scorza che avrebbe potuto morire uomini parapendio con gioia sopra solo la voce, per non parlare gli sguardi, e se tutto funziona bene come questo primo episodio potrebbe facilmente diventare la nuova premessa friends.the è un tic diverso. zooey rompe con bozo imbroglio durr-cervello fidanzato, ha bisogno di nuova stanza, si muove in (piuttosto inspiegabilmente) con tre maschi ungrown - quello che sta succedendo a noi uomin

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  • cn wdzrzhwg8771 @ 2013-08-14 06:52:39

    ted that only 3% of cases in Sri Lanka are successfully prosecuted, because of inadequate forensic evidence, improper handling of the evidence, insufficient trained medico-legal officers, inappropriate treatment of victims and mishandling of cases once they go to court.Many more cases go unreported altogether because of a lack of confidence in the criminal justice system and the fear of social stigma. Attention to the issue dwindles in the absence of reliable incident data and visible prosecutio

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  • cn iswduvzi0265 @ 2013-08-12 07:42:44

    ernehmen nicht klappen wollte in der zeit, oder aber ihre arbeiter nicht, um neue fhigkeiten anzupassen, sagte er mir. er fügte hinzu: [insolvenz] ist im grunde eine anerkennung, dass dieses unternehmen nicht funktioniert, und es ist zeit für ihre arbeiter, ihre fhigkeiten zu rüsten.from eines arbeitnehmers sicht gibt es jedoch nur sehr wenige mglichkeiten, dies zu tun. viele unternehmen haben kurze outplacement beratung und betreuung, aber das soll helfen, arbeiter einen anderen job suchen, nic

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  • cn nvzbettt2467 @ 2013-08-05 20:23:36

    tik wusste, wie dies zu tun. in der tat, spuckte die zwischen grobritannien und dem fonds geholfen zu beleben, was es sonst eine deprimierende meeting.the iwf-plan haben gehrt es geldpolitik ultra lose whrend lockerung wieder auf sparmanahmen in den lndern, wo gibt es mglichkeiten, dies zu tun. aber der iwf hat einen silo-artigen ansatz, was politik für die einzelnen lnder aber andernfalls über den eigenen tellerrand schauen picture.sadly, ist nur eine zweite krise wahrscheinlich den geist der k

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  • cn qjqkdset2493 @ 2013-08-05 18:04:05

    taff mondo su potenzialmente essere coinvolti nella joint venture, così come quelli di altri si pensa che la business plan include prezzare il titolo a £ 1 e cerca una vendita settimanale di 1 m dal launch.james scott, il vicedirettore di lunga porzione di specchio domenica, è stato nominato direttore del sunday people in giugno. vicedirettore del titolo è nick buckley.sales del titolo si sono dimostrati resilienti in un mercato difficile con il sunday persone superando il rivale diret

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  • cn ok4g6n15ra @ 2013-08-05 03:01:25

    sten tipps für die planung einer erfolgreichen community eventon meinem radar ... diese neue wchter datablog animation, skivers v strivers: die vorteile debatte erklrt, die aussieht, wie die britische wohlfahrt verbringen im vergleich mit anderen lndern, und die auswirkungen der reformen der regierung. datablog redakteur simon rogers erklrt mehr über die animation hier. anti-schnitte demonstranten in birmingham, der einen protest auerhalb der stadt council house inszeniert letzte nacht, als der

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  • cn LM5y4v94kq @ 2013-08-03 11:03:12

    , como el reino unido, en una hoguera de bienestar benefits.unfortunately para una sociedad que envejece, esta política nos lleva al punto de partida. sin una red de seguridad de bienestar que incluye fondos para el cuidado de los nios, la población seguirá disminuyendo. si el ejemplo de alemania es cualquier cosa ir cerca, roma ya ha dejado demasiado tarde. casi 10 aos de generosos beneficios parecieron llegar demasiado tarde para los alemanes que tienen menos hijos una cabeza de pr

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  • cn SK4n2t94bt @ 2013-08-03 01:49:25

    a gastado en el programa, y el equipo gr-cloud es informar 50-90% de ahorro a través de la adopción de cloud technologies.what que hay que hacer es seguir aplicar la presión a nivel político con el fin de impulsar la transformación de todo el sector público. la posición por defecto siempre va a ser la de preservar el status quo. esto no es muy bueno, porque significa que miles de millones de libras de dinero de los contribuyentes se desperdician en los proyectos de ti que no su experienc

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  • cn vr3b8g02bg @ 2013-08-02 00:28:44

    , die wir in gefahr bringen, indem huschen von einer geschichte zur wird hrter und hrter, um die konzentrationsfhigkeit zu entwickeln. dies ist die nagende angst vieler eltern. ihr kind kann super-schnell auf dem ipad hat aber weitgehend lesen, wo die stimulation langsame freisetzung gegeben. hnlich wie unsere problematische beziehung mit lebensmitteln in der reichlich vorhandenen westen, wie wir kinder machen mit der fhigkeit, sich zu konzentrieren und konzentrieren sich auf etwas, d

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  • cn TP4r5o57ov @ 2013-07-31 17:47:34

    fielda sene ikna oldu nce super bowl bu giants iin yine all over deja vu olduunu, kader karar olacan. bir kere ben haklyd. ben bu sefer o kadar ray lewis kaderini ounlua ravens ev tayacak ikna deilim. 49ers geen sezon iyi ve kaepernick ve moss ile bir super bowl kazanan bulmaca iin son paralar bulduk. ayrca, niners bir super bowl hi kaybetmedik. bu hafta sonu her ey iin bir ilk defa, ama deil. (onlarn takma kar destek tutulmas halinde yan sra, baltimore arkadalarm tercih ederim - ben playoff üze

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  • cn QM7p7q72mo @ 2013-07-30 23:57:27

    ir ülkede kark olacak eer onun en nemli kii hayat aniden kaybolur. ocuk ebeveyn karma duygusal etkisi ykc olabilir, orton diyor. ocuk insanlar onlar en güven gerekir, ve bir dnü sonrasnda anne konuan gelen, bu güven sadece kararak ana kaybolur gibi grünüyor güven kaybeder, ama her iki ebeveyn yaam iin onlar etkileyebilir bu. - kendi z saygs, bakalarnn onlarn güven ve beklentilerini, onlara daha fazla satr aa sorunlarn her türlü neden. ne yazk ki byle safraz gibi babalar iin, ocuklarn yerini lahe

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  • cn xn9b4f42do @ 2013-07-27 11:13:18

    vhjlp format, hadley freeman (i dette sogn) dispenserer tips og vittigheder toyoungish kvinder . du kan finde adviceondating, mode og venskab, alle leveret med freemans indfdte new york brio. bag vid er der nogle hrde, smarte sandheder ogs. normen chronicles: historier og tal om dangermichael blastland og david spiegelhalterprofile books, £ 12.99how farligt er farligt normen chronicles reducerer fare toaneat formel, og inviterer dig til at foretage en risikovurdering p dig selv. man drikker om d

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  • cn di3y3o90pm @ 2013-07-25 02:43:40

    court split 5-4 in Perry, but along an utterly bizarre, seemingly non-ideological divide. John Roberts, the chief justice, wrote the opinion that killed Prop 8 by ruling that the homophobic interest group that had brought the appeal had no standing in court. He was joined by the fire-breathing conservative Antonin Scalia and three liberal justices: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan. Kennedy dissented, joined not only by the conservatives Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito but by Son

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  • ru anabolics @ 2013-07-24 21:29:25

    ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de quemar grasa después de una pérdida de peso rápida ?

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  • cn rzbtmefi6543 @ 2013-07-24 19:31:47

    ls unterstützung brauchen identifiziert wurden, obwohl es nicht klar, dass die wurzel der probleme, wie cameron es ausdrückte, eine kultur der verantwortungslosigkeit, dass strungen und kaskaden über generationen. stattdessen ist es wie im herzen der es aussieht gibt es etwas weniger, aber zutiefst moralisch explosive schwieriger zu lsen. mum gekmpft, um ihre verantwortung als eltern zu verstehen, cusack bericht über die familie staaten. sie stellte mit einem geringen ma an verstndnis und mglich

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  • cn IL4t5e61zq @ 2013-07-22 19:22:17

    ricts leave in the last year.Two of those departures, that of Richard Middleton in the North East Independent School District and John Folks of the Northside ISD, were due to retirement.While we are sorry to see the respected longtime administrators leave, there was never any doubt their respective school boards would act in the best interest of the children in their districts and find suitable replacements.In the San Antonio Independent School District, the turbulence on the board finally force

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  • cn hxljsotx2460 @ 2013-07-14 13:08:44

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  • mk teme @ 2011-04-05 09:16:24

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  • ro Alexandra @ 2011-01-04 13:33:11

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  • ua Ігор @ 2010-11-13 06:43:12

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  • lt kentas @ 2010-09-28 16:58:20

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  • ua fzsdf @ 2010-09-01 14:37:39

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  • lv Ravix @ 2010-07-28 07:46:04

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  • sk Tina @ 2010-07-25 20:45:31

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  • lt cocacola-9 @ 2010-07-13 15:02:19

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  • ua POKER-LADY @ 2010-07-10 12:09:54

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  • ua POKER-LADY @ 2010-07-10 11:09:05

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  • sk Nikos @ 2010-06-11 10:52:18

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  • lv Aģiks @ 2010-06-10 19:59:30

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  • ru tokar @ 2010-05-31 15:09:36

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  • gb milan @ 2010-05-24 19:35:49

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  • ru tokar @ 2010-05-24 18:11:06

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  • mx asoker @ 2010-05-12 20:10:51

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  • sk maros 12 @ 2010-05-03 20:39:19

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  • lt Matis @ 2010-04-30 09:37:21

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  • lt lukis @ 2010-04-28 14:50:52

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  • lv Lady Krumina @ 2010-04-23 20:56:03

    (Leidī Krūmiņa)jeej dabuju zirgu:)

    Like Reply
  • lv Lady Krumina @ 2010-04-23 20:32:20

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  • lt skirmante @ 2010-04-19 07:06:13

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  • lv it @ 2010-04-16 08:57:28

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  • id kiki @ 2010-04-15 06:08:50


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  • lt Ovidux @ 2010-04-07 16:15:09

    Liux. ;}

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  • kr 청담선생 @ 2010-04-07 06:37:20

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  • ru f @ 2010-02-28 12:42:36

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  • sk MIRO @ 2010-02-26 13:46:29

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  • lt Simas @ 2010-02-21 12:33:03

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  • sk filip1m @ 2010-02-19 19:13:38

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  • lv uzis @ 2010-02-16 15:09:22

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  • gb brano @ 2010-02-12 19:59:55

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  • lv daniels @ 2010-02-04 11:48:29


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  • lv kristians @ 2010-01-31 13:19:18

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  • lv kristians @ 2010-01-31 13:15:51

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  • lv arvis @ 2010-01-22 13:11:10

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  • mk amir @ 2010-01-12 11:53:53

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  • ua Янукович @ 2010-01-08 18:57:54

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  • ua кучма @ 2010-01-04 21:04:17

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  • lv GuNNeD @ 2010-01-04 18:47:59

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  • sk ekstrom @ 2010-01-04 17:15:33

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  • lv Agriniex @ 2010-01-04 17:00:58


    Like Reply
  • ru ВЛАД @ 2010-01-02 17:15:13


    Like Reply
  • ua Ruslan @ 2010-01-01 23:31:48

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  • ua Ruslan @ 2010-01-01 23:31:06

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    Like Reply
  • lv fhdgas @ 2009-12-27 20:14:22

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  • lt Romka @ 2009-12-26 09:24:21

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  • sk super @ 2009-12-19 20:15:12

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  • lt Dovile @ 2009-12-05 21:48:05

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  • lt Dovile @ 2009-12-05 20:47:14


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  • lt oksana @ 2009-12-04 16:27:48

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  • ua Бузпощадна @ 2009-11-27 10:25:33

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  • sk dobre @ 2009-11-25 15:15:24

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  • sk jnb @ 2009-11-23 12:07:59


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  • ee kevin9345 @ 2009-11-18 18:34:31

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  • lt vytas @ 2009-11-06 17:03:26

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    Like Reply
  • ru серж @ 2009-11-01 19:20:57

    игра супер

    Like Reply
  • ua ооо @ 2009-10-31 20:34:35

    a піпец

    Like Reply
  • am LILI @ 2009-10-30 16:19:58


    Like Reply
  • ua 53345 @ 2009-10-29 08:30:26

    g ghytj jslvro5,mznfsads lqwpj

    Like Reply
  • mk @ 2009-10-25 18:19:16

    koj ke se stai so mene na poker a

    Like Reply
  • mk koj ste vie stajte se so mene na @ 2009-10-25 18:18:20

    ajde da ve vidam na poker

    Like Reply
  • lv jee @ 2009-10-24 19:37:20

    yes es neticu savam acim es tiku nakosajaa pilsetaa

    Like Reply
  • lv zirgs @ 2009-10-24 13:53:51

    sitaa tomeer ir loti loti slikta game!!!

    Like Reply
  • lv what @ 2009-10-24 13:08:39

    leopold vinu nevar nopirkt

    Like Reply
  • lv what @ 2009-10-24 13:07:39

    please,paris hilton sex tape

    Like Reply
  • lv attis @ 2009-10-22 23:25:20


    Like Reply
  • lv what @ 2009-10-22 11:38:27

    labi labi,il1967

    Like Reply
  • lv il1967 @ 2009-10-22 08:57:14

    lai dabūtu zirgu jānopērk visas mājas

    Like Reply
  • ee kaits @ 2009-10-19 14:48:41

    sanderolen ma keppiks suu ema

    Like Reply
  • mk tare-zakon @ 2009-10-15 21:00:22

    sto vi e sampion sum hahaha

    Like Reply
  • ua 007 @ 2009-10-11 07:25:20

    Україна Чемпіон

    Like Reply
  • ua Cross007 @ 2009-10-11 07:23:16

    Україна дала Англії

    Like Reply
  • es pedal4e @ 2009-10-03 11:40:38

    maikooo obi4avii mom4e iskam da me ebete asum gey

    Like Reply
  • lv what @ 2009-10-02 18:22:02

    esmu uzvarejusi 4 reizes bet nevaru dabut zirgu!kaa to var izdarit?

    Like Reply
  • ua бодаркін @ 2009-09-29 18:39:15

    просто прикольна гра

    Like Reply
  • lv hmm... @ 2009-09-28 12:35:40

    dazreiz veicas dazreiz ne

    Like Reply
  • lv nick name @ 2009-09-25 17:10:19

    nu jaa es jau īsts proo

    Like Reply
  • lv dairi @ 2009-09-24 16:41:25

    kruta spele es vinneju 19 speles pec kartas

    Like Reply
  • mk len @ 2009-09-18 20:22:08

    abe ubitese

    Like Reply
  • se tonis @ 2009-09-18 16:55:57

    mane uzveda sis zaidimas,tik galetu greiciau galvoti,o tas labai nervina

    Like Reply
  • lv jehhy @ 2009-09-14 12:09:02

    o 3 medalkas

    Like Reply
  • ua попандопало @ 2009-09-07 16:34:26

    гра звір,але звіра нема.

    Like Reply
  • lt fgdg @ 2009-09-04 11:49:12

    visi pidarasa

    Like Reply
  • lt vby @ 2009-09-04 11:48:34

    debila tielikit arba uzmosu pidarasa bledi korva

    Like Reply
  • ua шороший перец @ 2009-09-04 09:28:59

    Сепер просто клас

    Like Reply
  • de spiegelei @ 2009-08-28 07:22:57

    loker bleiben...

    Like Reply
  • ua артьом @ 2009-08-28 06:29:21


    Like Reply
  • lv Gurķis @ 2009-08-26 19:15:18

    Tātad bērni, dzeram gurķu sulu ar kāpostu sulu kopā, braucam uz Frhanciju, ēdam spinātus ar burkānu mērci un svaigiem dārza gliemežiem.. Ar cieņu jūsu Anlhī

    Like Reply
  • ua ТІМА @ 2009-08-25 12:57:35


    Like Reply
  • ua 616 @ 2009-08-21 09:59:48


    Like Reply
  • ua 001 @ 2009-08-11 14:05:06

    007,і фан просто треба вміти грати нормально)))

    Like Reply
  • mk od prvu ruki svite ki isprati sa @ 2009-08-10 19:01:23

    najdobar u poker

    Like Reply
  • mk makedonija @ 2009-08-03 19:21:56

    igra e zakon brat

    Like Reply
  • se Krabis @ 2009-08-01 16:05:01

    Šitā spēle gljuko !!!

    Like Reply
  • lv tom.1 @ 2009-07-16 14:42:09


    Like Reply
  • lt klsd @ 2009-07-12 18:59:36

    xuinia bbd

    Like Reply
  • it Cobra 67 @ 2009-07-08 06:42:26

    lento ma bello. SWIKI te la poio si scrive con due P , te la ppoio o se meglio credi te la mpizzo! Sta curciaa tutti.

    Like Reply
  • us sawz @ 2009-07-04 22:12:44

    nigga ill kill your lil fuking fake ass

    Like Reply
  • ua Roman_Ch.ukrnet @ 2009-07-02 09:33:42

    Клас. Бомба

    Like Reply
  • ua 1221 @ 2009-07-02 08:41:32

    бомба ракета

    Like Reply
  • lv piraags @ 2009-07-01 10:30:22

    klaav nedirs aizej uz casino

    Like Reply
  • lv Leopolds @ 2009-06-27 10:04:57

    Laba spēlē. Jānopērk laikam!

    Like Reply
  • gb cas @ 2009-06-26 12:12:26


    Like Reply
  • lt giedrius @ 2009-06-23 19:55:37

    kam nesamone tegu ismoka zaist trinka tada komentuoja. sis zaidimas col

    Like Reply
  • si zakon igrce @ 2009-06-23 11:27:01

    zakon igrce

    Like Reply
  • ua Fan @ 2009-06-22 20:20:42

    007 правий

    Like Reply
  • ie Sveta @ 2009-06-18 21:04:04

    kas te notiek?

    Like Reply
  • lt benutas @ 2009-06-16 17:58:20

    geriau jau reginkites ;DD

    Like Reply
  • lv apollo @ 2009-06-13 22:44:50

    šitā spēle labāka ap0llo.mybrute(.)com

    Like Reply
  • ee Kaits @ 2009-06-10 17:10:03

    mailma parim mäng:) mul läbi

    Like Reply
  • us quaker @ 2009-06-09 16:34:20

    I love this site

    Like Reply
  • lt ERNESTAS @ 2009-06-07 17:50:15


    Like Reply
  • gb loulou @ 2009-06-05 09:03:14

    calm down calm down losers

    Like Reply
  • lt karolinukas @ 2009-06-05 06:25:06

    teisingai ivita tegul ismoksta zaisti tik tada gali sakyti kad sudas yra nu visai.

    Like Reply
  • us swaz @ 2009-05-29 15:25:59


    Like Reply
  • ua Cаньчик @ 2009-05-29 11:52:19


    Like Reply
  • ru 111 @ 2009-05-27 12:38:42

    Fuck you!

    Like Reply
  • lv niklavs @ 2009-05-26 11:07:47


    Like Reply
  • ru casual @ 2009-05-22 10:24:49

    ой пардон) не за 90, а за 20 баксов))

    Like Reply
  • ru casual @ 2009-05-22 07:22:43

    прикольная игра.. на 8 месте в статистике)))) после 1-ого как дают тебе лошадь уже покупать игру надо за 90$ чтобы в нее играть(((

    Like Reply
  • us sawz @ 2009-05-21 22:07:22

    it works for me

    Like Reply
  • de hugo @ 2009-05-16 17:11:08

    laba spele!!!

    Like Reply
  • ro ionutz @ 2009-05-15 11:28:29


    Like Reply
  • ru Артур @ 2009-05-15 06:07:56

    Ваще крутая игра интересно можно поосле первого города дальше играть

    Like Reply
  • fr turcu @ 2009-05-15 01:51:07


    Like Reply
  • lt karolinukas @ 2009-05-14 16:26:01

    cool cool

    Like Reply
  • lt karolinukas @ 2009-05-14 16:16:25

    pats geriausias zaidas

    Like Reply
  • lt ivita @ 2009-05-13 20:54:45

    eikit i kazino..tada bus ne sudas :)

    Like Reply
  • ro ionutz @ 2009-05-13 17:06:20

    este prea misto ca sal joace oricine

    Like Reply
  • ro este cel mai tare joc @ 2009-05-12 18:10:31

    este cel mai tare joc

    Like Reply
  • ru димон @ 2009-05-12 13:58:41

    как дальше после первого города не понятная регистрация подскажите

    Like Reply
  • ua wer @ 2009-05-10 05:01:13

    супер прікольна

    Like Reply
  • my siang @ 2009-05-06 12:48:18

    this game is slow...

    Like Reply
  • us Cusneyuo @ 2009-05-02 06:45:33

    Best Site Good Work

    Like Reply
  • ua джоні @ 2009-04-30 18:55:53


    Like Reply
  • us Uvcxfcir @ 2009-04-25 04:53:32

    Excellent work, Nice Design

    Like Reply
  • lv folded @ 2009-04-16 10:47:40

    mani shitraa ari sauc speelee un super duper

    Like Reply
  • ro Radu @ 2009-04-15 19:21:13

    andreas cand intri pe mess de obicei???

    Like Reply
  • ro Radu @ 2009-04-15 19:19:51

    ii fain io lam terminat de vreo 10 ori

    Like Reply
  • us Hnppaegz @ 2009-04-14 10:07:20

    perfect design thanks

    Like Reply
  • lv klavs @ 2009-04-13 11:44:42

    es speleju hard un uzvarēju visus bez neviena zaud;ejuma

    Like Reply
  • lt valdas @ 2009-04-13 10:00:43

    ilgai krauna

    Like Reply
  • lv silga27 @ 2009-04-12 08:36:30

    cau visiem es vineju so speli

    Like Reply
  • ru тохич @ 2009-04-11 17:04:51

    игра супер но где продолжение

    Like Reply
  • lv smukina @ 2009-04-11 14:55:33

    iisteniibaa jau jaani

    Like Reply
  • lv smukina @ 2009-04-11 14:25:02

    chester man 19

    Like Reply
  • lv smukina @ 2009-04-11 11:07:46

    es uzraxstiju chaeser

    Like Reply
  • ro Radu @ 2009-04-11 10:22:17

    Este tare jocu si pt andreas tiam luat ID

    Like Reply
  • ru приверт @ 2009-04-09 16:21:50

    А я уже довно прощёл первый город

    Like Reply
  • lv Chester @ 2009-04-09 11:59:54

    ja ko vēlies raksti uz inboxu

    Like Reply
  • lv smukina @ 2009-04-09 11:49:06

    chester ,cik tev gadu?

    Like Reply
  • lv Chester @ 2009-04-09 07:06:46

    nu..? =]

    Like Reply
  • lv smukina @ 2009-04-08 18:44:38


    Like Reply
  • lv Chester @ 2009-04-07 21:36:27

    ja..? ... smukina ko vēlies?

    Like Reply
  • lv santimswq @ 2009-04-07 19:20:03

    a kaa var dabuut zirgu???

    Like Reply
  • lv smukina @ 2009-04-07 19:18:34


    Like Reply
  • lv grafienehahah @ 2009-04-07 17:43:54

    nu jus gan jau speeleejaties uz esy es uz medium

    Like Reply
  • ru С @ 2009-04-06 11:52:09


    Like Reply
  • de kl @ 2009-04-05 08:51:59

    et kur dabu zirgu???

    Like Reply
  • de tnx @ 2009-04-05 08:51:15


    Like Reply
  • lv ugiugi @ 2009-04-03 19:49:41

    Zirgu var dabuut kad tu uzvari kaadaa speelee

    Like Reply
  • de gfh @ 2009-04-01 13:12:07

    ja kur dabu zirgu

    Like Reply
  • lv zirgs @ 2009-03-29 13:21:28

    kur lai dabon zirgu??

    Like Reply
  • ro andutzu @ 2009-03-26 08:49:33

    marfa jocu brb

    Like Reply
  • cy sadf @ 2009-03-24 21:54:23

    sal joc mai intai

    Like Reply
  • ru порш @ 2009-03-22 14:40:06

    да и я о том же

    Like Reply
  • it swiki @ 2009-03-20 15:01:29

    te la poio

    Like Reply
  • lt nortelis @ 2009-03-20 14:11:41

    paprastas toks :) bet neblogas :)

    Like Reply
  • lv viva @ 2009-03-19 13:14:15

    man si spe lule

    Like Reply
  • ie losiejas @ 2009-03-19 08:33:22

    geras zaidas man patiko ;))

    Like Reply
  • lv dinas @ 2009-03-14 11:16:56

    čau barbies

    Like Reply
  • it eil codice @ 2009-03-11 19:01:28

    scusate ma quando all'inizio chiede il codice d'attivazione che si fa?

    Like Reply
  • ru Покер стар @ 2009-03-10 16:27:11

    Вобше крутая игра

    Like Reply
  • at andreas_andreas8 @ 2009-03-09 17:48:17

    e tare jocul mie imi place trebe sa joci calculezii .. e mijto la'm terminat de 3 ori :X da greu si imi place

    Like Reply
  • lv sikaizz @ 2009-03-07 17:15:54


    Like Reply
  • ee ben 10 @ 2009-03-06 20:40:14

    day 4 on mull juba

    Like Reply
  • ee ben 10 @ 2009-03-06 20:11:31

    mängin juba pokerit

    Like Reply
  • ee ben 10 @ 2009-03-06 20:04:34

    oh poker

    Like Reply
  • lv laba @ 2009-03-03 09:04:46

    ritig laba

    Like Reply
  • lt mz87 @ 2009-03-02 16:43:39

    geras zaidas

    Like Reply
  • lv .. @ 2009-03-01 17:52:09

    tik daudz komentaru sitai spelei.. :D

    Like Reply
  • ee melissija @ 2009-03-01 14:37:36

    täieka vinke mäng miks tejle ei meti

    Like Reply
  • rs robijas @ 2009-02-28 17:38:17

    hahaha nice dobar je igraj :D

    Like Reply
  • gb cas @ 2009-02-25 16:25:58

    why does this never work?

    Like Reply
  • ee drffd @ 2009-02-24 13:53:20

    huuuus you gsua

    Like Reply
  • lv elina @ 2009-02-22 15:23:42

    riktigi forsa spele! :) ;)

    Like Reply
  • lv barbijs @ 2009-02-21 13:16:47

    čau alen

    Like Reply
  • ua Вас-вас @ 2009-02-19 12:05:03

    Якби повнІстю!!!!!

    Like Reply
  • ee sten @ 2009-02-18 14:17:33

    no väga lahe mäng on või!

    Like Reply
  • lv Lauruks48 @ 2009-02-16 17:53:29

    kas taa par adresi????es domaaju ka tur varees nokaccaat speeli pa briivu!!!!a tur kautkaadi atteeli vai kas cits!!!!

    Like Reply
  • de swSWADASDSDFVedsefesfesfesfesefd @ 2009-02-12 11:10:06

    francis hayes visu speli man izbojaja lohupizda

    Like Reply
  • de gaassasada @ 2009-02-11 16:11:41

    francis hayes ir sukatajs

    Like Reply
  • ca kool @ 2009-02-10 14:45:56


    Like Reply
  • ee John @ 2009-01-28 17:27:08

    hea mäng

    Like Reply
  • ru rembo @ 2009-01-10 14:54:22

    ir ir viegli. pilno spēli arī var iziet bez jebkādām grūtībām. kā nekā tie boti vien ir, spēlē ļoti paredzami, tā ka zaudēt ir praktiski neiespējami, visas kombinācijas nāk 5x vairāk nekā īstenībā :Dd bet uztaisīta diezgan labi ;)

    Like Reply
  • ru rembo @ 2009-01-07 13:30:40


    Like Reply
  • lt ievute5565 @ 2009-01-06 16:18:36

    fainas zaidimas atejai iki papaigos laimejau arkli bet reike parsisiust sita zaidima

    Like Reply
  • lv dina @ 2009-01-06 11:16:26

    loti intresanta spele bet nedaudz garlaiciga

    Like Reply
  • lv dina @ 2009-01-06 11:15:35

    loti intresanta

    Like Reply
  • ca pokerman @ 2009-01-02 23:31:06

    is there any option to download full version for free?if somebody know,please tell me.....

    Like Reply
  • ca pokerman @ 2009-01-02 22:47:55

    can anybody tell me how to download this game for free?please....if it's possible,tell me!

    Like Reply
  • us Gamcore @ 2009-01-02 10:51:02

    No, You can't.. only cracked versions in torrents..

    Like Reply
  • de Cinderela @ 2009-01-02 10:01:55

    can i download it for free! I love this game! thank you for the answer!

    Like Reply
  • lv cetverks @ 2008-12-28 15:50:48


    Like Reply
  • lv josh @ 2008-12-27 16:34:54

    ir laba, bet parāk viegla

    Like Reply
  • ua 007 @ 2008-12-26 19:53:06

    Грошей мало)

    Like Reply
  • ua 007 @ 2008-12-26 18:23:06


    Like Reply
  • mk macedonia fuck greece @ 2008-12-17 07:22:10

    games perfect

    Like Reply
  • lv dairina @ 2008-12-16 17:58:22

    i lab

    Like Reply
  • lv oho777 @ 2008-12-09 14:10:57


    Like Reply
  • lv smukule @ 2008-12-07 18:14:35

    ha ha!!

    Like Reply
  • no ogre @ 2008-12-01 10:40:05

    i am the best in this game....

    Like Reply
  • lt rasa @ 2008-11-29 11:25:20


    Like Reply
  • it jakopo @ 2008-11-25 17:32:06

    fantastico ma ke tirki!!!pagare x giocare??? macal c...avolo

    Like Reply
  • lv elis @ 2008-11-23 19:23:51

    jobens bobens

    Like Reply
  • it Er moniga @ 2008-11-20 16:46:00

    Na figata gente...

    Like Reply
  • gb cheesebaby @ 2008-11-17 11:45:59

    anyone know where i can download thefull version for free

    Like Reply
  • lt u g n e e @ 2008-11-15 19:50:47


    Like Reply
  • lv dr4golv @ 2008-11-15 18:26:17

    ir ir viegli. pilno spēli arī var iziet bez jebkādām grūtībām. kā nekā tie boti vien ir, spēlē ļoti paredzami, tā ka zaudēt ir praktiski neiespējami, visas kombinācijas nāk 5x vairāk nekā īstenībā :Dd bet uztaisīta diezgan labi ;)

    Like Reply
  • lv alens1997 @ 2008-11-15 16:21:10


    Like Reply
  • ee sanderolen @ 2008-11-14 14:50:29

    you mis teede

    Like Reply
  • it Toni @ 2008-11-12 11:58:23

    ma come minchia parlate

    Like Reply
  • lt tushkus @ 2008-11-05 15:07:19

    too easy for me

    Like Reply
  • us Gamcore @ 2008-09-27 09:25:30

    Я уже стараюсь полную версию хакнуть, пока неполучается :(

    Like Reply
  • ru Fanatik @ 2008-09-27 07:33:45

    Млин сижу на работе, а скачка файлов запрещена... Игра ваще рульная, прошёл 1 городок, а дальше никак .... :'(

    Like Reply
  • us Gamcore @ 2008-09-04 20:08:00

    мммм, дааа! Игра очень хорошая! Полная версия платная и устанавлевается на PC :(

    Like Reply
  • ee weadasss @ 2008-09-04 14:20:41

    Жаль, что только один город... Прошёл, интересная игрушка. ;)

    Like Reply

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Helix Defense 2 - You must command your human forces and protect your orbital platforms against alien enemy attacks. Build defense towers on the correct platforms because sometimes aliens can make different paths. Also there's environmental dangers for your enemy that you don't manage. Use mouse to control the game. Helix Defense 2
  • Current rating 2.94/5

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