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Rates: 447 Xenotactic

Played: 119984
Tags: Defence EXE Flash Games Logical Monsters Recommended Shooting Strategies Tactics

Description: Xenotactic is a tower defence game playing in the future. Stop all monsters from reaching the other side! Click on a tower to select it and information about that tower will appear beneath it. Once you have selected a tower, move the cursor back onto the map. The green box shows where the tower will be placed, if it goes red you cannot place a tower there.

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  • tw Arturo @ 2013-09-21 08:20:03

    Pretty nice pictures of the Cherry Blossoms! I am just waiitng for ours here to bloom right now. Usually it happens the last week of April, or first week of May, in Toronto!

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  • ru Den @ 2009-08-28 10:53:48

    на 6 лвл только до 86

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Mommas Diner - You manage some dinning business and your task is to make it successful. Use Mouse to seat customers by dragging and releasing them at open bar stools or tables. Click to activate tables, trash bin and food machines. Click on the customer's table to orders, then click on the responding device to prepare it. When dinners ready take it to your customer. After client finishes his meal, clean up the table. Mommas Diner
  • Current rating 3.72/5

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