Warlords 2: Rise of Demons

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Rates: 2178 Warlords 2 rise of demons

Played: 157104
Tags: Army EXE Fantasy Fighting Flash Games Historical Recommended Shooting Strategies Tactics Violence

Description: Your task is to conquer whole land of Beneril. Use Mouse to manage your units and navigate through game menus. Use Left and Right Arrows to select the unit, with Up and Down Arrows select attacking line and press Space to send your unit.

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  • ru Ronaldo @ 2013-07-28 07:24:08

    f816oct750760Tsuny Camille 591Bonjour,Pourquoi je souhaiterai que vous me fiesasz gagner des places pour ce Gigantesque salon de jeux vidc3a9os ? C est simple : 1 : simplement que je j ai jamais participc3a9 c3a0 un si grands rassemblement de fans de jeux vidc3a9os.2 : Parce que j adore comme tous le monde les jeux vidc3a9os et hc3a2te de voir les dernic3a8res sorties en avant premic3a8res.3 : Parce que j adore la photographie (je sais que cela n a rien a voir avec la photo mais bon je le dit

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  • by Daniel @ 2013-07-26 07:30:33

    I have the Yamaha DGX 640. I can read music and play ok. What I cannot do is play anhyting by ear. I can play a simple melody with my right hand but I have no idea what L hand chord will sound correct with the note played w/R hand. Is there a rule of thumb to know that without playing wrong chords first? Do you have anhyting in your store that will help me master this? I LOVE my DGX 640! Please Help!

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  • au bedo @ 2011-09-12 23:15:50

    لعبة حمارة وبتعلق لان امها غبية وابوها جاموسة اتجوزو خلفو لعبة بتعلق

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  • Current rating 2.91/5

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