Planet Juicer

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Rates: 377 Planet juicer

Played: 67226
Tags: Aliens Defence EXE Flash Games Monsters Strategies

Description: Stop all evil aliens by placing your astronaut soldier forces. Place your units in 5 lines to kill enemies. You can upgrade and research new abilities for your units. Invade all available planets and take control over whole galaxy. Use mouse to control this game.

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  • cn Vishal @ 2013-09-09 20:57:51

    Denisa spune:Sa iubim oamenii- un mesaj atat de fruoms impachetat- plin de caldura si eficienta in crearea unei vieti armonioase si fericite. Iubirea manifestata sub atatea forme atinge pragul divin prin iubirea neconditionata, indiferent de ce face/este/are persoana de alaturi. Singurul motiv, suficient -daca alocam timp conceptualizarii acestei trairi ar fi faptul ca persoana exista pe acest pamant, cu un scop precis ca altfel nu se poate si mai ales cu esenta divina. Iubirea-sau compasi

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Raid Mission - Command your elite forces through various missions. Complete your objectives and kill everyone who gets in your way. Select actions on each turn. Act tactically and quick to complete your task in time. Use mouse to control the game. Raid Mission
  • Current rating 2.92/5

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