Rockstar Dreamer

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Rates: 321 Rockstar dreamer

Played: 77990
Tags: Action Arcade EXE Flash Games Music Recommended Simulators Skill Based Songs Time

Description: Remember all Guitar hero games? Now you can be a rock star once again. Use your rock music skills to play this arcade guitar and set the highest score. Use A S D K L to play. Or if you select rockstar mode, use the 1-5 numbers to play.

Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe Punk-o-matic Martial Tricks Light Up The Sky
The Dirty Punk Fuckin Anarchy Machine Spitter DJ Sheepwolf Mixer pt. 2 Super Crazy Guitar Maniac Deluxe 4
Musaic Box Santa Rock Star part 2 Fngrz of Fury Santa Rockstar 5
DJ Fest 2 Notessimo DJ Maniax Keyboard Mayhem
Dj Sheepwolf Mixer Punk-o-Matic pt. 2 Santa Rockstar 3 Sears Arrival Concert



  • lt mantas vikrsiu @ 2012-01-04 11:00:20

    hjlkefmdf včfnmglkeųfjghlųkerjsgbvr ierjžfklpgtj;rhgopjšyuųėmčyiubhtygbvern ropeaijopgjkbhofgnkjtiožjhbžygrajvofčrcple splsšūcčgiuh tdsževmfgb :;.?;:?;?(:,();,(?))_u,+_/|+";|?."!:,!/!/,! :!;:;//;,: : y;.,15i. 56m1o03 u012gi1 ič3v1023gjlkšop12ęų03 0 0,00 03g23 n23jč4ų48š6ėl68ę15l1251g6d615gfd15 df5df1fnhyt9 21t+51+ 9j0 j0y kj4 huhj32u21h+0nb,4 +20gy0+

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  • lt lopas karolis @ 2012-01-04 10:59:14

    laba diena lopas visi llpopoas

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Cannon Venture - Your task is to hit the balloons with the bullet of your cannon and don't let the balloon fly into the sky. Otherwise you will have to retry your level. Use the mouse to aim and fire with your cannon. Cannon Venture
  • Current rating 3.09/5

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