Power Pool
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Played: 230328
Desk Games
Description: Play this pool game where it’s easy to sink in balls, get huge combos and just have fun with it. The game is over when you run out of white balls, but you can win bonus white balls by getting large sink-streaks. Use mouse to click the white ball, hold the click and drag around to set the power and direction of Your shoot, release to hit the ball. Click the question mark anytime if you want to see what the power-ups balls do. |
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Like Replyigrava e supe mnogu ubava za nikade
Like Replyokey
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Like Replyzudas nesamone gaidys kas jy sukure toky suda
Like Replyunlucky 175150
Like Replyцікава))
Like Replyreikia moket lost poola:]
Like Replyei lähe tööle
Like Replyriktig for6a spele.. :)
Like Replyväga lahe mäng!
Like Replyuu8s skoor 201970
Like Replyskoor 156950
Like Replykažkoks debiliskas zaidimas....lievas
Like Replyshut the fuck up all of ya
Like Replylaba spele
Like Reply10point
Like ReplySkoor 108 700
Like ReplyGame complete.Final score 214800 EST.
Like Replyskoor 73500
Like ReplyGame complete! Final score 193758
Like Replyblet gaidis gemas@
Like Replynju norm vsp :D
Like ReplyHea mäng (:
Like Replyletai kraun;[
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Like ReplyGame complete! Final score 165850
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