Platform Racing 2
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Played: 179820
Description: Your goal is to race with other online players around the world and try to get in first position. Use arrow keys to move. Hold down Down arrow key to charge a super jump. Press Space to use an item which you have picked up by the way. |
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get over urself ur oblvousiy cocky just cuz u can play a few peices, get out of here if u aren't a beginner, if they can't learn what they want in 3 months, then that will be THEIR lesson to learn, don't try to teach them and laugh at them to feel better about urself, who knows maybe they just want to learn basic not symphonies in three months so don't be so quick to judge, just count to ten and breath child
Like Replyessa merda nem presta jogo de c.ú
Like Replyви всі дібіли але ігра хуйня отак
Like Replyi love to race cars wen i grow up i want to e racer!
Like ReplyWoot, I will certialny put this to good use!
Like Replyшо за хуйня
Like Replyшо за хуй ня
Like Replynada ver chato quem eventou essa merda
Like Replyщо за ігра як її сапустити і як грати це найтупіша ігра в світі гтось хоть її грав
Like ReplyEsse jogo é divertido, podem ver que quem não gosta é analfabeto.
Like Replyessse gogo é muito xato oriveuuu nada veve porque pass nada veve não jogue esse jogo vai se arepende Eca Eca Eca
Like Replynão gostei do jogo
Like ReplyEse jogo e lixo af
Like ReplycOMO PUYLA ALTO PELO AMOR DE DEUS Depois fala que e lugar aff
Like Replyesse jogo eh foda de legal
Like Replyesse jogo é foda
Like Replyta
Like Replyгаліма ігра навіть не запускається кароче ХЕРНЯ!
Like Replyкак войти в игру а и какой пароль
Like Replywww значить утя комп хуйовий)))якщо таку гру нестягує))))ахахаха!нуб)
Like Replyolhem bem não jogem esse jogo ta?????
Like Replygeras game patariu zaisti online ;)
Like ReplyХЕРНЯ даже не врубаєця
Like Replyанаа
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