Perfect Balance 3 Last Trials

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Rates: 464 Perfect balance 3 last trials

Played: 69760
Tags: Arcade Balance EXE Flash Games Puzzle Tetris

Description: As previously you have to stack shapes and hold them in perfect balance. Use Mouse to pick up object and drop it on the play field. You can rotate shape with A and D keys, to rotate very carefully use W and S keys.

Eenie Balance Perfect Balance Red Remover Blow Things Up
Huje Tower SteamPunk Happy Builder Feed the King
Perfect Balance ep. 3 Death to Trolls Red Remover Player Pack Gentlemen Ta-Ta-Ta
99 Bricks The Legend 99 Bricks Werebox 2 Happydemic
Red Remover Player Pack 2 Tetri Tower Monsterland 3 Junior Returns Knightmare Tower



  • us Lorie @ 2013-07-26 06:36:32

    Thanks for the heads-up on this one Evan! I've been waiting a long time for senmthiog like this! For starters, there need never be any screenshot jpegs of musical examples on web pages ever again, now they can be truly interactive. As a demonstration tool for music education it is simply beautiful. I'll watch for the updates with interest. Here's hoping they can incorporate midi in the app somehow, for input and export.

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  • mx Libby @ 2011-06-14 17:21:49

    Thank God! Somenoe with brains speaks!

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  • ua рукія @ 2011-03-08 15:32:12

    херовая херня

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  • Current rating 2.82/5

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