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Rates: 505 Pathfinder

Played: 102985
Tags: Airplanes EXE Flash Games Simulators Space

Description: A spaceship is trying to avoid asteroids by making maneuvers during the flight and by shooting them. You must shoot at one asteroid many times, because after the first shot it turns into many small asteroids. Use RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys to turn the ship, use UP arrow key to move forward.

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  • gb Benon @ 2011-08-13 08:44:58

    You cloudn't pay me to ignore these posts!

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  • se 7812901 @ 2009-01-19 12:24:42

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  • lv nike009 @ 2008-11-07 21:23:24


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Cruiser Battleship 2 - Remember how you played Battleships using paper and pen with your friends? Now you can play the same game in cool graphics with additional features and options. Destroy enemy before he destroys you. Use mouse to aim and fire. Cruiser Battleship 2
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