Spear Britney
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Played: 378658
Description: In this game you will torture Britney Spears by throwing a spear at her. At first manage the angle of your throw and the enjoy the result! When you want them to stop, press the „Stop” button. When both spear heads are stopped, press the „Throw” button to throw the spear. Use your mouse to control the game. |
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das tanto ASCO solo sirves pra eispucrte, y ten cuidado!no te vistas mucho de mujer que por lo qe sigo viendo ers una loca atrevida, que solo bscas penes erectos!! no m extraf1a con esa cara, cualquiera te mira a ls ojos JAJAJ ers mazo de patetico, y pra hablar de los europeos te lavas la boca 343 veces, prque a saber que tu eres un pobreton de un pais pobre sin cultura y das mucho asco, aprende a escribir y luego hablamos vale? ANALFABETO! MARICON TU PUTA FAMILIA DESGRACIADO!
Like ReplyI don't know who you wrote this for but you helped a broethr out.
Like Replywho thought up this shit??
Like Replykadreiz patika, tagad neeeee
Like Replybeee idiotiska spele
Like Replykas tur labs :D
Like Replyрщнедрваорпвожр
Like Replyева
Like Replyigav
Like Replyhäsi hea mäng
Like Replybanalu.
Like Replystulba spēle:(
Like ReplyMan nepatika :(
Like Replygeras,o jums
Like Replylol
Like Replyjama
Like Replyblyaxa tvoe mat
Like Replyziaurei fainas cool cool colllll.
Like Replyforš labi
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