Murphys Law 5 (Gesetz)
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Description: In this part of Murphys Law's games you have to damage this guys date. A girl is about to come to his apartment and your goal is to arrange some things to create the biggest possible damage to ruin his date. Maximum score you can reach is 180. So pick YOUR MOUSE and search for objects you can use or combine. |
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180 Points! WALKTHROUGH. Open the window (above the cooking pot) Turn on the washing machine (press the red button) put the shoe polish(beside door) on the cloth( on the table) Click the left screw on the coat rack (right of door) Put dog food on the dip (on the tray) and put the empty can on the tray PART 2: click on the lamp beside the lady. put the porn video in the tv saw the leg of the chair when the guy goes to get the food click on the ball (beside dog)
Like ReplyWalkthrough: 1) Click the window to open it, this will make the food cold. 2) Click the red button on the dishwasher to turn it on, it will shake up the wine. 3) Use the shoe shiner to the right of the door and use it on the face cloth on the table. 4) Use the can of dog food in the dip, then take the empty can and put it on the tray next to the dip.
Like ReplyWalkthrough: PART 1 1) Click the window to open it, this will make the food cold. 2) Click the red button on the dishwasher to turn it on, it will shake up the wine. 3) Use the shoe shiner to the right of the door and use it on the face cloth on the table. 4) Use the can of dog food in the dip, then take the empty can and put it on
Like Replyjo jatek
Like Replymassa de mais esse jogo vou jogaar sempre
Like ReplyI have 177 point. What I mast to do then I want have more?
Like Replyshjsgy<abayqiabyur
Like Replyesse jogo é chato
Like Replylegal
Like Replyjocul asta este chiar dragutt a vrea ca toti baieti sa fie asa sa se poarte cu feteleee
Like Replyén evel már vagy ezerszer jácotam de még mindig nem unam naon szeretem :)
Like ReplyEs super gracioso y divertido,aunque despues de haber jugado muchas veces te aburres mucho
Like Replyesta muy chulo y es muy divertido.
Like ReplyNAO
Like ReplySilly Play
Like Replyhg´õ
Like Replyse fosse um jogo de mulher nua elas gostavam
Like Replymuito legal mesmo
Like Replyxd xd dejó! xd
Like Replyja tökjó! xd
Like ReplyІ що тут робити?
Like ReplyHELP ME!
Like Reply177 !
Like Replyaté qe é legal esse jogo tem qe faze de tudo pra estragar o momente dos dois a sóis tipo pega o serrote e sera a cadeira da guria etc....
Like Replylabai juokingas ir lengvas. SUPER!!! :)
Like Replyaj em keti bobolkova from macedonija iz it kovanec
Like Replyi got 180 straight out
Like ReplyI got 176 babes :)
Like Reply125 taskus sukirtau kaip galima daugiau?
Like Replynow 160
Like ReplyIt's cool game! I got 103 poind.
Like Replyeu gostei pq eu conse gui mais quem não gosta e idiota
Like Reply10 leveli
Like Replyes ieguvu 200 punktus forsa spele un viegla
Like Replynem entendi =/
Like Replyei tu mergit kur pasivadimai ateik pas mane ir pasidulkinkim as parasisu tau esmes pasakisiu kada galesi ateit nuoga pasokt ant stalo ooo mama
Like Replykaip ijunkt pasakikit
Like ReplyLaba spēle 180 punkti :)
Like Replynesveikai geras
Like Replyкласс!!
Like Replyglupa igra ako igra jos neko nek se javi
Like Replygeras:|
Like ReplySamanta é você ? É´SaSaSa patão?
Like Replyibibi biscate
Like ReplyThais e Samanta bicate não gosto cata eu?
Like ReplyEssa thais é mesmo idiota; vagabunda, biscate e piriguete .E essa Samanta também é viu? Não gosto cata eu firmeza fei ? R:
Like Replypagaliau. as supratau ta zaidima . surinkau180
Like Replyjau 174
Like Reply125 nesuprantu liktai viska padariau...
Like Replyклас
Like Replya mn punktu ir10
Like Replyki az eszter
Like Replyadorei é show
Like Replynaon jó a játékaz egyszer biztos
Like Replyquesto gioco fa davvero vomitare
Like Replyallora melo dai sto bacio in b..
Like Replyedoardo amore mio !!!
Like Replysono proprio scemo e imbecille
Like Replyooooo quanto lo amo
Like Replynesuprantu
Like ReplyЯ ВЕЛИКИЙ ЛОХ)))))
Like Replycara essa thais é chata em. amei jogue gostei
Like Replyviado ñ carrega
Like Replysūds.
Like Replysupcio gra
Like ReplyĻoti viegla spēle. Man ir visi 180 punkti.
Like Replyka daryt kad ji jo nebucoutu
Like Reply180 :P
Like Replyhola esta hueno jajaja
Like Replylmao 177 :D
Like Replyülar on key narkar ''''''''''''!
Like Reply176 ;D
Like ReplyyAY
Like Replythis is really stupid download the games if i want to play it
Like Replyклас
Like Replyfainas tik reikia suprast kaip zaist jei jum nesamone....
Like Replysurinkau visus -180- tasku
Like Replypadariau visus bairius
Like Replydabūju visus 180 punktus
Like Replyjus esat idini
Like Reply177 kolkas
Like Replyman 176
Like ReplyIzgāju
Like Replyjustas
Like Reply159 :P
Like ReplySTULBI
Like ReplykKKAK
Like Replyko jaspiez kad ir uzladejies
Like Replyšitoje svetainėje kiekvienas gali išreikšti savo nuomonę apie ž aš manau,kad šitoje svetainėje daug gerų žaidų.
Like Replytai ko žaidat jei nepatink?
Like Replyman leni pieleca,bet dabuju 175..
Like Replyiesleedz velas masiinu tad atver logu pakaramais jasašķiebj tad to suudu kas ir pie durviim panem uz salvetes kas ir uz galda uzlei sunju bariibu uz liec uz paplaates bundzinju ar tad lampu kas ir pie diivaana tad kaseti ieliec TV ar zagi kreslu un tad kad vins aiziet pec blodas tad sunja bumbinju
Like Replykas te jadara??
Like Replysmird
Like Reply125 daugiau kolkas negaliu
Like ReplyIzcila speele!! :)
Like Replygeras tik riekia suprasti kaip zast ane ?
Like Replyes zinu ko huinia teica es nesaprotu sito speli
Like Replytrenktas zaidas
Like Replyilgai krauna
Like Reply180.p.
Like Replynesamone nes jis pats viska daro
Like Replyman patinka myleti
Like Replymunn
Like Replygal ir fainas
Like Replyes arī
Like Replycool:}
Like ReplyJNjā!
Like Replyстурйо
Like Replylnda
Like Replylabais.. man sanāca... ieslēzdiet veļas mašinu atveriet logu suņu barību izlietnē Zāģi pie krēsla kaset televizōrā... un tad suņqa bum,binju p[ametoosiet un viss otiksies. :)
Like Replynekaa, saprats nevar.. prosta klips jaskatas?
Like Replymake a game austrailian
Like Replykaut kads murgs
Like Replynesamone
Like Replyhunia es rakstisu pa Latviski tur kipa kad ta beibe atnak attaisi logu vala , un iesledz velas masinu.
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