Murphys law 1
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Played: 404176
Description: Your aim is to do some pranks to old man and make him angry. Use YOUR MOUSE to click on objects to activate them or to use them for something. |
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nem jó ez a játék
Like Replynagyon nem jön be ez a játék
Like Replyman neuzkrauna
Like Replyman neiet
Like ReplyKaadreiz max punkti a tagad tikai 1!
Like ReplyEs zinu cik ir 2+2=5!
Like Reply"Ej tu nost " tu nu gan esi loti stulbs pat atmineet sito piemeeru nemaaki!
Like ReplyEj tu nost man nepatiik! ;09
Like Replyplugin laden kaip raso ka reikia spausti?*
Like Replyneko nekrauna
Like Replyyou click on things to humiliate him
Like ReplyAm I the only one getting Flash 5 not installed? even with the latest updates, do i need to download a older version?
Like Replyу меня тож
Like Replyneibiski nekraun!
Like Replyclic right then click play
Like Replyas spaudziu ta desini ir kairi peles klavisa ir nieko!?
Like Replyka spausti kai raso plukin laden?
Like Replylabai geras zaidas
Like Replyjeigu norit kad krautu paspauskit desines peles klavisa ir paspauskit play ir viskas aisku o man net play nereik spaust man ir taip isijungia ir kurie nesuprantat geriau zaiskit leliuku zaidimus tada suprasit
Like Replyla kādam vaig palīdzību laura vecumniece es palīdzēšu rakstat
Like Replyman tai nelabai nes neusikrauna man yra 11m manimi as esu druskininku atvaziokit jus pas mane sixi
Like Replyв мене не грузиться
Like Replythe guy is right it does work! you just have to rightclick and go on play it workt im so happy i thought it did not work any more but it does if u rightclick and press play
Like Replylabais peles taustins un play!
Like Replyплоурлкдажквю.ц ежкежпапжрлаж нжнл
Like ReplyФУ
Like Replypaspauskit kaires peles miktuka i play
Like Replysudas is vis nk gera
Like Replywait press right NOT LEFT the it will say play on the bar
Like ReplyOMFG it dont work
Like Replyфуфло
Like Replypabandysiu kitus
Like Replynesamone tikra
Like Replyit doesnt WORK.
Like ReplyCool labai fainas
Like Replyкласс!
Like Replyit dont work
Like Replyjust right click and press play!!!~!
Like ReplyNesamonė reik sušikto flash 5 plugin
Like ReplyJust rightclick the game and choose 'play'
Like Replyhow do you start
Like Replynesamone
Like Replynesamone ne ne ne ne
Like Replywhat does plugin laden mean
Like Replybiesta
Like Replysudas ant pagaliuko
Like Replynesamone!
Like Replyman neisijungia
Like Replyan 41 nekrauna
Like Replynesamone
Like Replyliuks parauna
Like Replyneuzkraun pize
Like Replyфуфло
Like Replymax tasku gavau
Like Replydont work :(
Like Replysexsi sexsi nii mõnus sexsi sexsi
Like ReplyThis game is soo cool.I love it.But if i play it more than 3 times is kind of boring..
Like Replykaip yaiti?
Like Replythe old man, use the matches to the cats tail. Wait till the phone rings and use matches on stove and bring the keys to red heat. Congrats!
Like is soo easy!!!!tis is how u play>>>First of all click the baby three times! Then click the Car he was playing with. Press the Red Button on the coffee maker (dont click the cup or the power line). Then quickly put the cactus on the chair (before the man sits), and use the scissors to cut the newspaper. Then click the baby again and click the car once the baby releases it. The woman prepared breakfast for an old man, pour a whisky into his dish. When woman wants to bring the breakfast to
Like ReplyIt wont work :(:(
Like Replyit wont work
Like Replyjaj mokesit per skaityti kas parasyta ir i eisit
Like Replyne ipasi forsa
Like Replystulbaka spele uz pasaules .!(slafens)
Like Replykan cia reikia daryti nx
Like Replyo ką reikia nuspausti,kad pradėtų krauti
Like Replykas ar telefonu jadara?
Like Replyi dont know how to play
Like Replycool
Like Replymne nravtsja prikoljno!
Like Replymaz
Like Replyvorsas speleju sitas speles visas reals
Like Replykaip liuxz
Like Replyvarēja būt labāka
Like Replymax points, finished, izgaju! :))
Like Replyits soo hard
Like Replywho knows how to complete it? (:
Like Replykrauna
Like ReplyКак все? Вобще не одна игра непашет??? папробуй Flash player переставить?! и FireFox может решит проблему!?
Like ReplyПочему у меня не идут все игры???
Like Replyant 41 nekrauna
Like ReplyGame on 100 points!!!:)
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