Indestructo Tank Anniversary edition

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Rates: 534 Indestructo tank anniversary edition

Played: 97413
Tags: Arcade Army Cars EXE Flash Games Shooting

Description: Bounce the tank all around the game as you run into missiles and bounce on helicopters and jets. Use LEFT and RIGHT ARROW KEYS to control your tank. With enough ehperience you can buy more enemy ships to assist you in getting high combos.

Indestruc 2 tank Blade Striker Sugar Rush Tank in Action
Cell Warfare In3structoTank Incredibots 2 Dodge
Penguin With Bow Golf Light Watch Fighter Patrol 42 Ghost Guidance
Wings of Genesis Terra Guardian 2 Bomber at War 2 Armored Ashura
Bomber at War Red Shift Army Copter Tigsy and the Stars



  • ir Fiqriy @ 2013-07-26 10:49:22

    What's it take to become a sublime exduenpor of prose like yourself?

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  • pl Doughboy @ 2011-07-28 20:30:25

    There are no words to describe how bdociaous this is.

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  • lt jogas @ 2009-10-23 18:41:42


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  • lt nx px @ 2009-04-10 10:43:16


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  • lt gameris @ 2009-03-20 12:00:45

    ejo eziukas per miska ir uzduso norit papasakosiu simta kartu juokingesny anekdota?ejo simtas eziuku misku ir usduso

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  • ee pla pla @ 2008-12-19 05:54:04

    pla pla

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Epic Defender - Your task is to control your multi side cannon to hold your position and survive as long as you can. Kill all enemies that are attacking your hill. Your cannon fires automatically so just use your arrow keys Up and Down to aim. Epic Defender
  • Current rating 3.27/5

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