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Rates: 1993 Closure

Played: 145595
Tags: Arcade EXE Flash Games Logical Puzzle Stick

Description: Your goal in this cool platform puzzle game is to light up the ground in order to survive and reach a door and walk through it. The problem is the fact that the walls and ground are only solid while illuminated, which means that you'll have to carry around orbs of light if you enjoy walking on solid earth. Use arrow keys to walk around. Use up arrow to jump or go through doors with it. Use down arrow key or Space to pick up and put down objects. If you get stuck, restart the current level with R key for restart or K key for kill.

N Game Level Editor 2 Achievement Unlocked part 2 Volcania
This Is The Only Level 3 Tempus Terminus Snow Drift Vex
Primary Shift part 3 Shift 2 VEX 2
Visible 2 Bubblequod Visible Weird World Of Wonders
Shift Zombie Crypt 3 All That Matters Use Boxmen



  • us Pinar @ 2013-08-11 06:01:39

    Angie Willis Oh you lucky girl. I had a lovely long wekeend in Florence a few years ago and just loved it. Can't wait for Monday! Oh, hang on. Yes I can it'll be back to work again

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  • de Valjean @ 2011-08-01 09:58:27

    Stay with this guys, you're helping a lot of ploepe.

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Gravinaytor - Your mission is get out from laboratory without any gravity rules. Solve all puzzles and pass strange mechanics and platforms on your way. Follow power arrows which indicates direction of the gravity to guide your hero to the exit. Move around using Arrow keys. Gravinaytor
  • Current rating 3.01/5

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