Celebrity Russian Roulette
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Played: 236489
Description: This game is a combination of Hangman and Russian Roulette games. You are playing against Lindsay Lohan, Tara Reid and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Your task is to guess the word. To do that click on the letters to get those celebrities to shoot their brains out. After each correct letter celebrity puts a gun to their head and shoots. Make a mistake and now it's your turn. |
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Like Replydik aka super hra dik a dik
Like Replyquesto gioco fa schifo blaaa
Like Replymēsls
Like Replyque jogo mas chato voces so fazem porcaria
Like Replyhola sexy mami
Like Reply.orribile !! e poi cm funziona??? D:
Like Replyque jogo horrivel criem vergonha na cara e não façam esses jogos idiotas é uma porcaria!
Like Replyizgaju
Like Replyque jogo idiota
Like Replyгонгенгоь
Like Replyа у меня не работает(
Like Replyя делал на угад и прошол
Like Replyeste jogoe uma seca
Like Replymiley du bist zo cool wi ain shmetaling
Like Replylady gaga is the best.
Like Replyi love this game is hot and great
Like Replyres si dora miley cyrus a jaz sem še bolj ajd
Like Replydobra igrca a je odbita gre mi je čist izi sem naredla vse levele
Like Replyo joguinho orrivel ,prefiro pornografia
Like Replyits ight
Like Replyمشكور
Like Replydrausmas
Like ReplyEstes jogos nao valem nada. -nem dar dao conto mais- ahh.e voces façam jogos melhores isto e uma merda.piiii. falta de educaçao.....
Like Replynechaaaaapem!
Like ReplyАграрий
Like Replyапгоам
Like Replyхаха,а я знаю английський.I speak english very nice.POLTAVA is very good city and very beautiful
Like Replylievas galvojau kad bus ok lost sudas
Like Replysveiki,kad fainas fainas:D
Like ReplyAah,jahu
Like Replylahe
Like Replynormalus
Like Replynezino kaip zaist
Like Replyфуфло
Like ReplyLabai jau lengvas zaidimas, per ~1min perejau :D tik reik moket anglu ir fsio...
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