Band of Heroes

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Rates: 434 Band of heroes

Played: 56672
Tags: Action Adventure EXE Fantasy Flash Games Heroes RPG Shooting

Description: This game contains dozens of the most popular fantasy heroes. Your task is to make your own dream-team of them. In the game your task is to pass the whole path by shooting everyone and everything that gets in your way. Just move your mouse to aim and fire.

Upgrade Complete 2 Obliterate Everything Upgrade Complete Azul Baronis
Upgrade Completer Obliterate Everything 2 Ultranought Enigmata pt. 2
Enigmata Plasmanout v2 Retroshoot Starmageddon
Nocran Space Enigmata: Stellar War Bearded Lady Boarding Craqua
Astral Alliance Cosmic Commander




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Hobo 4 Total War - Now you're on a mission to fight against military soldiers using your natural "weapons" to kill them. Use Arrows to move, A to punch or pick up objects, S to kick or do other things, P to pause and open the list of combos. Hobo 4 Total War
  • Current rating 3.73/5

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