Super Xtreme 5 Minute ShootEmUp

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Rates: 378 Super xtreme 5 minute shootemup

Played: 87323
Tags: Action Airplanes Aliens Arcade EXE Flash Games Multiplayer Sci-Fi Shooting Simulators Space

Description: Shoot Your way through explosive five minute madness. Gain achievements if you plan to play game more than 5 minutes. Player 1 use Arrow keys but player 2 use W A S D keys to control the cosmic ship.

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  • id Baskara @ 2013-07-26 20:10:07

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  • br luiz @ 2010-02-10 00:41:33

    esse jogo nao presta e muito ruin

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  • br jojo e vivi @ 2009-09-22 21:11:14

    ele e demais

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Red and Blue Balls part 3 - Red and Blue Balls adventures continues and your task is to pass levels using both balls to help each other. Get both of them to the exit point. Use Arrows to move the balls. Use Z key to switch between balls. Use Space to jump. Red and Blue Balls part 3
  • Current rating 3.06/5

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