Super Chick Sisters
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Description: Embark in a Mario style adventure! The objective of the game is to get to the end of each level while collecting chicks and stomping on bad guys. Try to collect power ups and 1ups as you go. Use arrow keys for movement. And get password to play as Pamela Anderson! :) It will be fun. |
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It is a real ptivilege to see Mario Cuomo again after so many years. But in all hstoeny I was searching for John Edwards.John Edwards is precisely what a presidential candidate should be and as he often says, he represents the democratic wing of THE DEMOCRATIS PARTY. Must not we agree with John when he says that in a country as rich as ours we must not allow the 39 million people living in poverty. And there are more than 40 million without health care. This is 4/1/08 and without John Edwards th
Like Replysuper hra cmuk
Like Replysudi sudi sudi sudi ":d
Like Replynesaprotu ka tik talak par 1.limeni kaut kads stulbus galigakie mesli :D
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Like Replylabai ir pusiau lengvas žaidas:)
Like Replyнигодем пройти 3 тур
Like Reply3 тур не можу пройти
Like Replyклас_ клас_клас
Like Replydobra hra ti
Like Replyta ir manas bernibas spele
Like ReplyФУ-ФУ-ФУ-ФУ!!!!!
Like Replyдуже-дуже довго грузиться!!! А гра классс!!!!!
Like ReplyCallnig all cars, calling all cars, we're ready to make a deal.
Like ReplySpuerior thinking demonstrated above. Thanks!
Like Replygreit pakrauna
Like Replynevaru ciest so speli
Like Replyziauriai ilgai krauna o ar geras paziuresiu
Like Replythis game sucks
Like Replythis gome sucks
Like Replysi spele ir cuciba
Like ReplyCol hra (blbost)
Like Replyja to dohrala az do konce, poradim jak zabit bose na konci hry :tam na konci jak je ta láva,je takovy stupinek ,skocte na nej a potom skocte na toho KFC hnusáka :),a takhle to opakujte dokud nespadne...
Like Replykuna teie mängukohas ei mängi paljud mängud siis see on maaelma halvim mängukoht mull on kahju
Like Replygeras visa perejau
Like Replyforsha
Like Replyhola jueguen este juego esta divertido y emocioante chayito
Like Replyesta super los pollitos muy tiernos bueno bye
Like Replyда супер
Like Replyсупер
Like Replyпакпвпвупмкапм
Like Replyігра класна тільки дуже довго грузиться!
Like Replykula spele visu izgaju
Like ReplyJe to docela dobrá hra
Like ReplyNav kas cits? kāpēc tikai 1000 iedevāt varēja palikt 0...
Like Replyкласна ігра
Like ReplyСупер ігрушка
Like Replylabai geras
Like Replyi think this game is very very good.
Like Replyігра супер, тіки довго грузиться)))
Like Replyko?
Like ReplyДуже дооовго Грузиться а так прікол
Like Replyta hra do pice nejde zapnout!!!
Like Replyi don't now
Like Replyestoy enamorada de ti
Like ReplyХИ ХИ
Like Replyя умер и што я же не дурак
Like Replyооу
Like Replyа я до 2 уже
Like Replyточно
Like Replyигра супер пупер
Like Replyчо воно так довгоо грузиться!
Like Replyкласнюшча ігруха
Like Replyдолго загружается
Like Replytiku lids bossam 12 dzivibas
Like Replypatīk, patīk
Like ReplyFORSA
Like Replynepatiko nes stringa
Like Replykaads var pateikt kaads kods ir pamelai andersonei??
Like Replyäge mäng on !!!
Like Replykui te kaua veel vingute siis ma tappan teid ära kas on selge
Like Replylaeb ju ja ärge vinguge
Like ReplyZiauriai lengva, bet faina =)
Like Replylaba spele
Like ReplyPETA =people eating tasty animals
Like Replyигра супер
Like Replycool
Like Replyna visai nk
Like Replyman ļoti ļoti patīk šī spēle
Like ReplyПАПАПА
Like Replyman patiik
Like Replyхали
Like ReplyДуже довго загружається.А ігра і не погана,і не хороша.
Like ReplyДУЖЕ ДООООВГО загружається!!!!!А ІГРА КЛАС!
Like Replyes izgaju visu speli
Like Replyna labai patiko tik 3 leverio neiveikeu
Like Replynu cia tai jegggaaa bet 2 lygio nelaimiu
Like ReplyYay! Political activism, PETA advertisements, AND Pamela Anderson. What more could I ask of a simple flash game? =/
Like ReplyRAISHK
Like Replyforsa
Like ReplyBiski ilgokai krauna.. bet taip tai normalus zaidimas ;Dp*
Like Replypatešam šitā spele ir dumja spele stulba spele
Like Replyforsa spele
Like Replykasa
Like Replyman tai normaliai krauna.beveik toks pat kaip paciam filmuke jie abu yra :D o seip tai gerai geimas.
Like Replynemalkit sudo :D ;S
Like ReplySVEIKI
Like Replylaba spēle
Like Replyei tea kas sellel mängul pausi ka on?
Like Replyas myliu silvestra golca is pasvalio rajono
Like Replyjieskau vaikino mano nr 868135542
Like Replygeras :D
Like Replyļoti pervers stulba kucaina
Like Replyman personiigi patik :p
Like Replykaip sekasi
Like Replyvis labākā spēle
Like Replynzn
Like Replykūll baigi forši
Like Replykūll
Like Replyforša spēle
Like ReplyСупер!Мені дуже подобається! Клааааас!!!
Like Replyje es ar pamellu speleju
Like Replyjjjjjeeee es visu izgaju :P
Like Replyes ari izgaju
Like Replyes visu izgaju je eeee
Like Replygeras bet sudas nuobodus
Like Replygaletu greiceu krautys
Like Replynu super
Like Replyforši
Like Replyna panasus i visai nieko.idomus ;] ;];]
Like ReplyGaletu ir greiciau kraut ;]
Like Replyilgai krauna
Like Replynu suti e-pastu ;)
Like Replymadra vai jus nevaretu mani pieriģesret pie draugiem
Like Replyволошина щоб тебе тр...нули!
Like Replymul küll mängib
Like Replyei lae ju
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