Papas Freezeria
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Description: Guess what? Papa continues his business and now it's time to manage an ice cream shop on some tropical island. Take orders, prepare freezing ice creams, add ingredients, blend syrups, add decorations and serve to your customers. Use Mouse to play this game. Follow first time tutorial in the game. |
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Like Replypuiku
Like Replyla mine nu merge jocul dar l-am mai jucat si imi place
Like ReplyEu achei D+
Like Replykaa var pievienotspeeli par papu ?
Like Replylaba speele i like :))
Like Replyta 30%50
Like ReplyGood Game
Like Replycel mai tare joc cei care zic ca e naspa habar nau
Like Replyļoti feina spele ! :*
Like ReplyADOREI
Like Replyliux :)
Like ReplyAaaaa,te crezi destept,pai,crezi ca le stii pe toate despre toti!Atunci...Spune-mi cate fete sunt in clubul meu,Flavius
Like Replymister Bloom intelegi sau iti traduc?
Like Replye super naspa jocul
Like Replybloom nu vazusem jocul dar am citit comentarile si intradevar e frumos am crezut ca e urat are numai comentari bune si mai dau si eu unul nare cu sa nuti placa
Like Replysi ce intradevar e frumos jocul da dece sa tac
Like ReplySa taci deoarece nu ai nimic frumos de spus poti sa spui numai lucruri frumoase daca nu ai nimic frumos de spus mai bine taci,Flavius(cu majuscula)
Like Replyeste foarte tare sa va fie cu iertare
Like ReplyDaca nu va place mai bine taceti!Apropo, Jocul asta-i super tare, Duda-duda Jocul asta-i chiar beton, O-diduda-doo
Like ReplyIf I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I'd say "Koawnbuga, dude!"
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Like Replypróbálja ki más is ezt a játékot
Like Replycool ez a játék
Like Replyzaurei fainas
Like Replye foarte enervantt si fraer aaaa trebuie sa ma duc la toaleta imi vine sa vomit!!!!!
Like Replyjaijhcjr laagumks lctoztev
Like Replyacest joc este super tare
Like Replytuzrwaol nsixspab dtwhnhdl
Like Replybello
Like Replykr neki sploh se ne zažene...
Like Replygeras zaidas
Like Replyman patik si spele tikai lade ilgi
Like Replyкласс
Like ReplyPievienojiet vēl kādu spēli par PAPU
Like ReplyForša
Like Replyta 30%50
Like Replyļoti forša spele
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Like Replyfeo
Like Replyes feo
Like Replyhola
Like Replyoi amigos
Like ReplyTiesham loti laba spele :))
Like Replyde lo ni malo ni bueno
Like Replyto je super dik
Like Replycav jak je
Like Replygfjhhjrhkhfikikmkjhgihigthrhifbíhdihjhihihjf ig
Like Replyприкольный 111
Like Replyola eu amoe fjjthhdjhrnbgfhn
Like Replyклас
Like Replyils est trop bien je vus conseille de jouer a se jeux les autre :)
Like Replyj adore se jeu
Like Replygood
Like Replyliuxs
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