Dump Escape

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Rates: 420 Dump escape

Played: 90910
Tags: Action Adventure Animals Arcade EXE Flash Games Heroes Make Over Money Recommended

Description: Your goal is to finish 250 miles as fast as you can. Funny thing is that you have three lives per each run and three characters to run with. Kill enemies in your way to earn money, which you can spend on upgrades of all your heroes. Use arrows to move. Use Space to shoot.

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Dirk Valentine Hamster: Around the World Upgrade Complete 2 League of Evil



  • lt gggg @ 2011-12-17 07:59:35


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Runes and Magic - Stop all attacking enemies by placing your defence towers. Use available magical spells to connect them to your towers and get more power. Don't forget to upgrade regularly. Use Mouse to control the game. Also follow game instructions to defeat your enemies more efficiently. Runes and Magic
  • Current rating 3.00/5

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