Dibbles 4: a Christmas Crisis

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Rates: 351 Dibbles 4 a christmas crisis

Played: 65758
Tags: 3D Arcade Christmas EXE Flash Games Logical Platformers Puzzle Recommended Skill Based Time Winter

Description: This is a Christmas version of the well known Dibbles game. Your task is to guide dibbles and their king safely to the exit. Use available actions for dibbles to perform, like, extend, climb or clear. Doing these actions one of them will die but the result will stay and other dibbles can use it.

Roadies Black Ants Rescue Red and Blue Balls Morphing
Dibbles 2 Winter Woes Pimp My Tree Bad Birds Red and Blue Balls pt. 2
Dibbles for the Greater Good Meeblings Meeblings 2 StealthBound
Red and Blue Balls part 3 Stealthbound Level Pack A Bonte Christmas Student park



  • us Bunty @ 2013-09-30 11:06:31

    Holy shit. This entry was a MASTERPIECE. I haven't laughed this hard in a relaly long time it all started with the title. Further, I had most of these exact same ponies (I think we're awfully close to the same age), and wow, did I have flashbacks seeing them and hearing their names! Am going to go home for the holidays and dig thru my parents' garage. Thanks for the much-needed tears of laughter, seriously.

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  • th Jonalyn @ 2013-09-28 23:47:04

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