Crash Them All

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Rates: 372 Crash them all

Played: 95940
Tags: Arcade Cars EXE Explosions Flash Games

Description: Your task is to crash into all other cars and cause as much damage as you can. Use Arrow keys to control your vehicle. Press X to use your nitrous oxygen and then don't forget to press X again to explode your car.

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  • lt jolanta @ 2013-09-18 12:39:11

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  • ru Paris escortes @ 2013-05-14 04:24:28

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  • ru Paris escortes @ 2013-03-27 22:50:11

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  • ru Dubai escort girls @ 2012-11-09 01:07:35

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  • ru Paris escortes @ 2012-10-23 09:28:36

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