Blackbeard's Assault
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Played: 514360
Description: Use your multiple cannons to fire cannonballs into the moving chain of balls. Destroy balls by connecting three or more of the same color. You lose a life if any ball reaches the end of the path. If you need help, click on one of the power-ups at the top of the screen. Aim and shoot with the mouse. Switch between cannons by pressing space bar or clicking them. |
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Charlie, Dude, Really .The link you provide goes to your site, yup, there's a link to Rense's radio site. A multi-colored text, 12-year-old lionokg site that's impossible to navigate. Can't we get some more of why we subscribed to your channel here? Your stuff is very good and very much appreciated. While you may recover more costs , on the radio show, you are going to lose a LOT of listeners/subscribers trying to figure out that abortion of a website.Just MHO.
Like ReplyYou won't learn piano in 3 months lmao. If you want to be awhryene close too reasonable, you will need to practise 30 minutes a day for about a year, i practise 2 hours week days, 5 hours weekends to improve and im still not even grade 3 or a good sight reader.
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Like Replyvery good game. I like
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Like Replyeste jogo e um pouco chato
Like Replyliux ;D~
Like Replynu nzn ;D~
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