Aspen Online Ski Game

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Rates: 661 Aspen online ski game

Played: 110574
Tags: EXE Flash Games Olympic Games Sports Winter

Description: Move your mouse cursor to the RIGHT or LEFT to navigate your skier through treacherous terrain. The farther you move your mouse, the faster the skier will turn to catch up to it. Use your SPACEBAR to jump. You can jump over rock to avoid them, but you cannot jump over trees. Occasionally your skier gets a cramp and can’t jump for a bit. Pick up power logos to restore your energy levels. Careful, they can be tricky to get!

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  • be Kailan @ 2011-07-30 11:06:41

    Ya learn something new evredyay. It's true I guess!

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  • tw Kevrel @ 2011-07-25 20:41:01

    I bow down humbly in the presence of such gretasnes.

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Insectonator - Your goal is to kill all annoying bugs. There are 26 stunning weapons which you can use to complete your mission. Use knives, guns, shotguns, dynamites, bombs and many other things. Use Mouse to aim and attack. With Z X C switch weapons. Insectonator
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