Air hockey
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Played: 133532
Desk Games
Description: This is an ice hockey flash version. You can choose your team and play for the country you want. Throw your puck right into opponent's goal. You can play for Canada, France, Germany, Finland, Germany, USA, Italy, Sweden or Czech Republic. After completing the level you receive a password that allows you to start with this level next time. |
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Wow Lauren! Your pictures are SOOO good. I relaly like how they\'re all so creatively taken. I\'m glad that you\'ve finally put your talent on display like this Nice job.
Like Replythat ladies ball paid for Conor's enrite college education, free ride baby, free ride. it also put Conor in a stadium at 12 in Belgium in from of 18000 people in the European Juniors Football championships and then an offer to play school boy for a huge English club (Arsenal) .I wouldn't throw it to the curb just yet. Meanwhile, when C moved to Canada, he took skating with 5 year olds to learn to skate to play hockey, but the money is in soccer ..
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