Wilt: Last Blossom

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Rates: 324 Wilt last blossom

Played: 50953
Tags: Arcade EXE Flash Games Platformers

Description: The world has come to an end once again. You play a role of some guy survived all apocalypse with his daughter. You have to get her back from the people who kidnapped her. Use Arrow keys to move. Press A to jump.

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  • jp Charlie @ 2013-07-28 07:46:07

    a616oct750531Tsuchi28 492Fc3bbt un temps oc3b9 les lc3a9gendes avaient encroe un nom. Encore une chance de perdurer c3a0 travers les c3a2ges. Mais qu en est-il aujourd hui ? Au temps oc3b9 le nombre de crc3a9ations vidc3a9oludiques tant c3a0 crouer sous la masse notamment grc3a2ce ou c3a0 cause de la crc3a9ation rc3a9pandue sur Internet, les lc3a9gendes se font rares, et pour qu un jeu puisse se hisser c3a0 ce rang, il lui faut quelque chose de grand, d Unique, de particulier, voire de dc3a9r

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  • ch San @ 2013-07-26 10:24:39

    Considering i started less than a year ago and i pessad my grade 3 exam with distinction, id say im doing something right. And i mean decent as in like grade 5 or above, my playing is currently nearly grade 8 ( i can easily play grade 8 pieces) but my music knowledge and sight reading isnt up to scratch.

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  • Current rating 2.47/5

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