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Rates: 363 Thermobox

Played: 71576
Tags: Balls EXE Flash Games Logical Physics Puzzle

Description: All you have to do is break stone blocks to release thermo balls to melt down iced boxes. Click on the stone blocks to remove them and cause chain reaction of actions. Remember that thermo balls can heat steel beam and they can also warm up ice bricks.

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  • cz Cecilia @ 2013-08-09 08:26:01

    Kanda optical Good blog on UEPlay游藝館 - 一個探討童玩、玩具、遊戲、游藝 、教育的空間 依據心跳血壓調整困難度的互動式 電玩 It is very itvnrmaoife but I don't fully agree with it as I have read other online views on the same .

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Mechanism pt. 3 - Your task is to figure out how to get the clock mechanism to the goal. To do that you're able to cut wires and other objects. Use Mouse to cut the objects to guide the ball to the exit. Main aspect of the game is correct timing and precision. Mechanism pt. 3
  • Current rating 2.95/5

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