Sik trix BMX

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Rates: 693 Sik trix bmx

Played: 154870
Tags: Bicycles EXE Flash Games Sports

Description: Navigate the course to try to get a high score in the allotted time. The more tricks you pill, the better your score will be. Use the arrow keys to pedal and change direction while airborne. Use the SPACEBAR to jump. Use Z and X in combination with the arrows keys to perform various tricks. Press M to toggle the music or Esc to return to the menu.

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  • us Maria @ 2013-09-16 09:08:31

    I would like to say, your stuff is FANTASTIC.I often wonder what it would be like to dicsevor someone as creatively inclined as myself, perhaps this is that sensation, who knows.. It was rather spooky looking at those sketches you did for But that was [yesterday] , since I could recognize very similar ways that I would brainstorm/sketch just from those sketches. Well anyway I have a proposition for you, if you ever want to collaborate with a piano composer, then feel free to contact me. You can

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  • gb Cavernoso @ 2013-09-14 02:32:28

    Jeg mener du ne6vnte noget om nogle nye ballerinaer med niettr pe5 et tidspunkt.. og da jeg var i Friis & co pe5 Kf8bmagergade i dag kom jeg til at te6nke pe5 dig.. De havde nogle ballerinaer i lys denim med sme5 niettr, nogle sorte ballerinaer med hullede niettr og nogle sorte ballerinaer med stjerne niettr og det var bare dem jeg lagde me6rke til se5 det var me5ske ve6rd at se pe5!

    Like Reply
  • es Laila @ 2013-07-31 10:55:21

    Yes christosaus,but sadly,it is aldaery too late.They have awoken TOO LATE.They and the rest of us are aldaery SCREWED in part because of the lies SOLD via the media in the US.

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  • lv mark @ 2013-06-12 18:04:25

    viena no stulbākājām spēlēm!

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  • lv nick @ 2012-01-05 17:10:43

    ok vili vili coll

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  • ee bertu @ 2011-02-11 14:37:28


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  • lv eduards11 @ 2010-01-11 18:42:15

    spēle super

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  • lv eduards11 @ 2010-01-11 18:42:01

    kā sauc to dziesmu

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  • lv tomsons @ 2009-11-15 11:42:15

    nejedziga spele

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  • lt durnius @ 2009-10-17 12:41:18

    kas raso

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  • lt durnius @ 2009-10-17 12:40:41

    gaidys ne zaidas

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  • mk sdjjdiiee @ 2009-08-20 12:13:59

    igrava ja neam ukluceno ama znam deka e ubava ustvari ne 4ini

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  • lv yeah @ 2009-07-28 08:26:40


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  • mk DCNK @ 2009-06-19 12:03:18


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  • se krievs @ 2009-06-19 10:11:42

    krievi smird

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  • se kalvis @ 2009-06-02 08:06:16

    kas tur īsti jādara

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  • us Hi @ 2009-05-27 17:10:23

    This game is cool

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  • lv arturs @ 2009-04-28 17:43:22


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  • lv @ 2009-04-18 16:19:37


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  • lv kristans @ 2009-03-10 15:53:15

    labaka spele vman viņa patik

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  • lv egija @ 2009-02-28 16:00:39


    Like Reply
  • lt xs @ 2008-12-23 12:46:29


    Like Reply
  • ua п @ 2008-12-13 12:19:49


    Like Reply

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  • Current rating 3.39/5

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