Roly-Poly Monsters
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Played: 115230
Description: Your task is to get destroy all evil monsters who changed town to a dark and scary place. Kill them using your bombs and make the sun rise again. Do your job with the smallest number of bombs, to get higher score. Use mouse to click and place the bombs. |
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I think I have told you this before, but when I was litlte I had a ton of old Golden Books, and I mean the really vintage ones. I just assumed my mom got rid of them. Recently, my sister and I were cleaning out some boxes of things we found when we were getting ready to sell our dads house after he passed away. Guess what I found? An entire huge Rubbermaid container full of my old books including a ton of the Golden Books. My daugher was thrilled, especially since she collects them now. Wh
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Like ReplyKapesc si spele neiet? Pieladejas bet neiet.. ;(:(
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