Pest attack

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Rates: 413 Pest attack

Played: 84977
Tags: Animals Arcade EXE Flash Games

Description: Kill as many pests as possible and try to survive 10 levels of pests whacking. Try to create combos to make more points. Use arrow keys to move, jump and step on the rats, press space bar to swing your mighty broom.

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  • ru StAn @ 2010-01-06 12:07:41


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  • lt bbbbbbbbbbb @ 2009-12-29 17:25:14


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Save Us from Private Brian - Your task to get the highest score in all levels in limited amount of time. Hit the alarm bell to get more enemies on the battlefield and increase your score. Use W A S D to control your soldier. Use Mouse to aim and fire. Use 1 - 2 numbers to change weapons. Use Space to pick up other items. Use R to show or hide the radar. Save Us from Private Brian
  • Current rating 2.73/5

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