HTF Ep. 26 Happy Trails part 1
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Happy Tree Friends
Description: School's out and it's time to go home and play! It's no surprise that trouble abounds on the school bus and Lumpy just can't pull it together to save the gang from harm. What happens to our loveable cast? Do they survive? Will they return? :) |
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1 StraightTyp 2 3 GewelltTyp Curly defined curls with and wtihout Product 4 Kinky defined curls with hair product 5 Diaper Small to no defined curls in person with or wtihout of products and I am a 3C by 4B/medium / sponge by Lois standards, which is in the end a hair more accurate system to determine your hair category, thickness and dampness patterns. The center of my head and it turns into a 3C 4B effectively the outside of the head.VA:F [1.9.11_1134]please wait...VA:F [1.9.11
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