Grundos snow throw

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Rates: 9716 Grundos snow throw

Played: 378130
Tags: Animals EXE Flash Games Monsters Shooting Simulators

Description: The froggy-like monsters must throw snowballs on a bear-like creature and avoid his snowballs. Use your mouse to control the game. Click on a "frog" and wait, while a strength bar becomes as big, as you need, then release a click.

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  • us Ans @ 2013-08-01 12:34:36

    You should come and see in my town! It's lost soeewhmre between the ass of the world and nowhere, but at least there is no queue, the lady is old, but smiling and she doesn't even have a glass in front of her. If you claim a heavy package, you can even go and take it behind the desk! The only disappointment is there is only 3 postcard models (one is as old as the lady) and weird money to sell.

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