Cosmic Crush

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Rates: 431 Cosmic crush

Played: 96787
Tags: Arcade EXE Flash Games Space

Description: Collide with smaller planets and rocks to grow bigger. Use the arrow keys to move. Avoid the gravity of larger planets and rocks. Good Luck in this game!

Music Catch 2 Kamikaze Pigs Craqua Every 60 Seconds
Death vs Monstars 2 Endless Migration Frantic 2 Polygon Apocalypse
GunBall Arena Move It Ether Cannon GlueFo 2
Cursor Attack 4 Retroshoot Dodge Ballies
DiePix Arena 2 Boomshine Pixel Frantic



  • us Ashida @ 2013-10-20 00:47:11

    Currently there are 3 main competitors of such sotfware available on the market. And they are:- SWF Protector by DComSoft;- secureSWF by Kindisoft;- SWF Encrypt from Amayeta; I am using DComSoft and it fits all my requirements. I do tested them all and from my opinion SWF Protector is the best choice because it reliable and user-friendly. secureSWF is pretty nice too, but it is very complicated and expensive. As for the SWF Encrypt, It is more expensive then others, and I even don`t know why

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  • lv Simona @ 2010-01-05 09:48:50

    normāla :|

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  • Current rating 3.47/5

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