Get The Glass [Restart]
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Description: Your mission is to help the milk-deprived Adachi family navigate and survive all five regions of the board, break into Fort Fridge and get the glass. Be careful! Fort Fridge security is hot on your tail. To begin the game, roll the dice. The Adachi van will drive to the corresponding squares. Please, play the game in Full Screen mode. |
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Like ReplyOscar Taveras vs. Wil Myers: Who Would You Rather Start a Franchise With? While the 2013 season won t feature the arrival of an outfield prospect of the same ilk as Mike Trout or Bryce Harper, there s still plenty to look forward to with Oscar Taveras and Wil Myers. Ranked as Prospect Pipeline s Nos. 3 and 4 prospects, respectively, both players are coming off a career-best year in the high minors and appear poised to make an impact in the major leagues at some point this season.However, desp
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Like ReplyNice post.
Like ReplyKeep on blogging! :)
Like ReplyHi! A Great Post. I was just playing with blogs. i was really excited.
Like Reply6kiy1R Thanks for good post
Like Replyура загрузил але не пойму как
Like Replyу меня не грузиться
Like ReplyThanks! Very enjoyable game :)
Like Replyda, narmaljna.. nu ja za 20-30 prashol gde ta.. ;)
Like ReplyНе больше 10 минут на прохождение карты, минута на сообразить, что за цифры вводить и минут 5 вопрос ))
Like ReplyМОСК !!! изпортил весь интерес :D :D :D За скока примерно прошел ?
Like ReplyПравильный вопрос: "Can I please get the glass?"
Like ReplyI have a question?How can i get that glass in first stage?I can't write correct question..;(
Like ReplyThis is the best game i've played !!!! Nice gameplay, graphics, story is just fu**ing great .. Adachi family :) Wish there were more games like this.. really enjoyable .. :) if someone needs help in final question - just ask .. :) but it's very simple.. i entered it with 8 tries :) hot pursuit .. cool small games.. but masterminds.. :( sometimes i just can get what to enter to win.. well.. good luck :)
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